Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Finger-Pointing Can Incriminate Self!

"Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted" (Galatians 6:1 NIV).

This admonition from Paul to the church at Galatia is still relevant today. None of us can afford to consistently point out faults in others, when we have our own faults to handle. This is especially true when we can always "see" what others are doing and never see what we are doing.

Several incidents come to mind with this scripture--Jimmy Swaggert condemning the Bakers, Newt Gingrich condemning Bill Clinton, Republicans who are always faultfinding and then being found in their own faults, and on and on. People--human beings--sometimes fall short of being perfect in our eyesight. But then, none of us are perfect so we might as well stop pointing fingers at others. Apparently, we have forgotten when we point one finger at someone else--three other fingers (our own) are pointing at us.

Does this mean that we ignore sin? No, it doesn't. It means that when a person sins, they are to be forgiven, and restored "when they repent of the sin--turning away from it" and we who are in Christ--should not be so unforgiving that we forget--we too can err.

Why discuss finger-pointing? Throughout social media sites, online pubs, etc. there are multitude of naysayers--who have nothing better to do than to find fault with the President. While I don't agree with everything he does, I use my time praying for him--not belittling him. After all, my relationship with God won't allow me to condemn the man, when the condemnation could be directed at me. Instead of being a hate-monger, I'd rather be a prayer-warrior which aligns with The Word. 

Everyone who proclaims to be a Christian and has a right relationship with God should be praying for those with whom we disagree, not condemning them. After all, none of us are perfect and we are all prone to making mistakes--some deliberately, some not. I'd rather love and pray, than hate and condemn. I disagree with many things politicians do--on both sides of the aisles, but it has not stopped me from praying for them. Public humiliation directed at any group actually becomes public humiliation for the one who attempts to undermine others. The world is laughing at us in America because we are so self-righteous in our thinking we are better than all others in the world. 
 It's time to take a look in the mirror, truly see who we are, and realize--we are not "all that"!

Father, in the name of Jesus, remove the scales from our eyes so we can truly see us for who we are and then create in us a desire to be the people You want us to be.

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