Saturday, September 27, 2014

Walking to Crawling!

"Then the LORD God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all animals, domestic and wild. You will crawl on your belly, groveling in the dust as long as you live." (Genesis 3:14 NLT)

The curses that fell upon the serpent for manipulating the woman--Eve!

The chain reaction to obedience can be devastating for a number of people--people who often experience the effects of what others have done. This is what happened to the "snake" who dared to interfere with God's plan for mankind.

Back-tracking a bit--Adam did nothing to help his own case in the disobedience by blaming God for giving him the woman in the first place. And then Eve--who shouldn't have listened to the serpent in the first place, blamed the serpent rather than accepting responsibility for her role in the fiasco. The serpent "Satan" in disguise had absolutely nothing to say because he knew what he was doing and had succeeded. Now, he had to deal with the consequences of his behavior--this is something he had not considered--what happens to him when he's found guilty!

Because of what God said to the serpent, we can infer that before the curse--he (the serpent) was walking upright--standing tall among all the other animals. In this state--walking, standing tall--he probably felt superior to some of the other animals as well. Again, this is inference on my part based upon what was said, "more cursed than all the animals, domestic and wild."

Imagine that! Feelings of superiority and hatred for God has created leading to a fall--from being on top of the world to crawling on one's belly, trying to avoid being wiped out by those who now stand over you.

We have seen examples of Satan's influence in the lives of many that are a matter of public record--those who thought they were superior to others and acted out of hatred and that feeling of superior--most of them are no longer with us--having receive their just reward for their actions. The first person who comes to mind is Hitler, and now we can see what is happening to others in their quest to reign over all mankind. "The wages of sin is death."

There are others--who because of their feelings of superiority--who will find themselves crawling on their bellies, trying to avoid being wiped out by those they attempted to destroy. God is--the same today as He was yesterday, and will be tomorrow-intolerant of disobedience to Him when people try to destroy His plans for mankind.

But just like He did not destroy the serpent (and He could have), He chose to leave the serpent to suffer the consequences of his actions for all generations. God's Word is true--mankind (men and women) who might fear snakes, have no fear in killing them.

Amazing! When God could have destroyed His creation (the serpent), He didn't and would have been justified in doing so. Now, if God didn't destroy the serpent who caused all the uproar in the Garden of Eden, why are people so willing to think that God destroys people? People make choices and their choices will either bring about a positive consequence or a negative one. It is our choice.

Listen to The Lord and obey always and don't worry about going from walking to crawling for all the world to see!

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