Monday, March 30, 2015

Our Response!

"What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31 NIV)

As always, when I post something using a selected verse of scripture, I encourage the reader to read the entire passage to maintain the context!

Whenever we run into the naysayers and those who would attempt to make us feel foolish about our beliefs and faith, we merely have to recognize the enemy at work. We remember--if God is for us, who can be against us? Only those who are influenced by the enemy! The Lord knows those who are His and so does the enemy.

The enemy--that old devil--knows who is already acting on his behalf--they are his and they do all he influences them to do. These are the liars, the murderers, the thieves, the child molesters and abusers, the manipulators, those wearing sheep's clothing--masquerading as Christians when they do everything in opposition to God's Word. These proclaim to promote--love--when in actuality they promote lust. These proclaim that only part of God's Word is true and the rest is ancient mythology. These proclaim that modern society should rid itself of the Truths of God's Word and simply allow everybody to do whatever they want. These do not understand that without God and a standard of morality, man will cease to exist as have some civilizations.

Whenever man has chosen to do whatever the flesh desired, others suffered the consequences of those actions. We still are.

When see arbitrary behavior that denies God's existence and His intent for mankind, our response should simply be--"We know who we are, Satan and we will obey God, not you!"

When thoughts come into our minds that could lead to depression-our response is, "The joy of The Lord is our strength!"

When someone says we are already defeated our response is, "We are more than conquerors through Him who loves us!"

When our wallets and bank accounts are almost depleted our response is, "All my needs are met through Christ Jesus!"

When we receive negative reports from doctors our response is, "By His stripes we are healed and made whole!"

When someone attempts to make us believe we are nothing our response is, "We are children of the Most High God and joint heirs with Christ Jesus!"

For The Word says we are not ignorant of the enemy's devices--his MO. And when we recognize who's behind an incident, we simply say what God says and keep it moving. We don't have to argue about it--God has declared and we stand on what He says, not the enemy who was thrown out of heaven because of disobedience and rebellion.

Hallelujah Jesus! We are Yours and You are ours--our comforter, and guiding light; You reveal all Truth to us and we will hear and obey You--giving the devil no place in our lives!

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