Sunday, February 21, 2016

When We're Set Free!

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36 NIV
What is freedom that many are willing to fight and die for?
Why is true freedom just beyond our reach--on earth?
Why do we need to be liberated.
Why are there visible and invisible barriers keeping us in place?

The freedom and liberation that have cost so many lives in countries where small-minded people and dictators attempt to keep people in bondage to them is worth the fight--for those who fight it.

The freedom to be treated with equality--like human beings--without restrictions of movement, to enjoy a healthy environment without pollutants making lives hazardous, having access to a quality education, and the ability to provide for family and self is hindered by bigotry and hatred because of skin color, nationality, or religion--perpetuated by classicism--the Haves hoping to keep the have-nots from ever achieving what they have. But remember these are the small-minded people who have no relationship with God who want to keep people in bondage.

However not all restrictions to freedom are perpetuated by people--many people are in bondage to addictions, insecurities, low-esteem, and an inability to see beyond the moment. These are the people who are drawn to abusers--involved in domestic abuse, shackled to substances that control what they do and how they think, some end up behind bars that are visible and some are kept jailed by bars that no one can see, but them.

The freedom fight for equality as human beings--free to live where one wants, to vote, to have access to information regardless of station in life--shall continue as long as we have small-minded people who think only a handful should rule the masses.

Unfortunately, the fight for freedom to be loosed from invisible shackles is not a fight that many can win on their own--but they can if they're willing to embrace the love God has for them.

God's love shines forth and destroys darkness and yokes of bondage like no pill ever could. God's love does not penalize, but rewards those who receive it. God's love does not abuse those who receive it and embracing His love--knowing that He died for us so we could be free from sin--sets us free to enjoy all of His many benefits.

The only barrier or restriction that keeps us from being free to enjoy His love is our willful determination to live in opposition to His Word. So, if you've not received His love by accepting the work on the cross--Jesus willingly dying for us to set us free--today is a good day to liberate yourself. Get into His Word and allow His Word to get into your heart and seek His wisdom and direction daily and obey. When we're truly free--we can say what God says and live how He wants us to live without concern about what others think or say. That's how we embrace His love and know true freedom!

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