Thursday, March 10, 2016

Choosing Truth!

“Now fear the LORD and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15,15 NIV
Making choices is a daily task and having an opportunity to choose didn't begin with us, but continues with us.

How many choices do we make on a daily basis? For some, too many to count and for others, too few to matter --they would think. We choose what we're wearing, how we start our day (acknowledging God or not), we choose to either breakfast or not, we choose to be good and kind or not, we choose to be helpful and compassionate or not. We choose to live a life that's pleasing to God or not. We choose--not God!

Everything that we "DO" is a choice! We can choose to live righteously or in opposition to God's Word--it is a choice--as is all active, deliberate behavior.

Now, some naysayers would say there are some things that are not a choice and they are right. None of us has ever chosen our parents. None of us has ever chosen the race or ethnicity into which we were born. None of us has ever chosen our intellectual ability at birth (many choose to enhance with education). None of us has ever chosen our gender at birth (though some are not choosing to rearrange God's perfection).

But now notice--what said earlier "ALL ACTIVE, DELIBERATE BEHAVIOR" is a choice and no one can deny that truth.  All sexual behavior on the part of the adult who is supposed to know better is a choice. Engaging children in sexual behavior is criminal and the choice of sick-minded deviants. Whether straight, gay, bi-sexual or whatever label a person chooses--any sexual activity in opposition to God's Word is SIN and it is a choice people make.

However, while this blog post is not about sexual sin, explicitly--it is about choosing Truth. We can choose to follow God and obey or not. It is our choice. What we have to remember is the consequences of our choices and they are not all good. Even when we obey, bad things happen to good people, but if God has designed it--the results will be good. But when people disobey God, they only have coming to them what's due for disobedience. Though man may attempt to change God's Truth in order to pacify the masses, those responsible for making Truth a lie will reap the consequences of their choices.

As we are reminded in Revelation about the lake of fire--while we yet live we have a choice to make and any who choose not to serve The Lord will reap their place in the lake of fire. Take a minute to reflect upon what has been said today--if you know The Lord, serve Him with gladness and know your reward awaits you. If you know others who don't know The Lord, please share this post with them so they will have time to make an intelligent choice that will save them from the lake of fire. Choosing Truth is the only way to live without regret.

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