Monday, March 14, 2016

That Day Is Almost Here!

Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Romans 13:10-12 NIV
Where there is love, there is light
For all to see, unencumbered by darkest night,
Living according to God's Word,
No fear of the masses, not ashamed to be heard,
Every Believer--Loving as God Loves--all--unconditionally!

In the light of day--where there are no clouds and the sun is shining bright--we can see all things clearly and from a distance. Not only can we see, but all around us can see us and what we see. What are they seeing?

There was a time when many of us walked in darkness even during the day, having no knowledge or understanding of who Jesus is or what He's done for us. Hopefully, that time has past and we are walking in the light of wisdom and His love, preparing for that day when He'll receive us unto Himself.

However, there are still many who have not yet understood--that all of their deeds committed in the dark will come into the light--and they will be exposed for all the world to see, while the devil laughs at their calamity. That does not have to be so.

Every Believer who knows Truth and is not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus should loudly proclaim God's love for all, His mercy and grace that yet abounds for those of us on this side of heaven, for surely once that day arrives when we are translated from here to there, there will be no need any longer for mercy and grace while we sit at His feet.

That day--the day many have waited for--will soon be here; not soon as we calculate time, but soon as God determines. Will we be ready to stand before Him and give an account of all we have done in the earth and not be ashamed? Will our testimony before Him be marred by acts of darkness that we refused to give up? Or shall the angels rejoice over all we have done to bring others into the marvelous light of love?

Every day brings us closer to that day--and for those who are yet asleep--they shall be awakened by the sound of the trumpet heralding His arrival. Every day--while we yet have opportunity to do so, we should put on the armor of light and love so others will see Him in all of His glory and willingly embrace Truth as God as reveals it through us.

That day is almost here--what are you doing to prepare others for it? Will your life be a living testimony of God's goodness and the light of His glory shines all around you or will the light be dimmed by hatred, bigotry, and wilful disobedience to God's Word? We have choices to make and we must make them now for that day--is almost here.

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