Thursday, June 16, 2016

None Like Our God!

Who among the gods is like you, LORD? Who is like you— majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? Exodus 15:11 NIV
"There is none like You. No one else can touch my life like You do.
I could search for all eternity long and find, there is none like You!"

"In times like these, we truly need a Savior. In times like these, we need a friend.
Be very sure, your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock. His name is Jesus!"

Song lyrics keep rising in my spirit as I attempt to reconcile my thoughts and feelings  about all the tragedies occurring around us. Stuff happens--stuff we cannot control--but it does not mean that we don't feel--inadequate, helpless, angry, forlorn, sad--but we must feel--because if we don't feel something--we are dead inside. And anything dead, needs to be buried.

There are many gods people serve, but none of them are like our God.

Our God is not represented in the shaping of stones, He is the stone-shaper.

Our God is not represented in a string of beads or jewels; He is the creator of all that was ever created.

Our God is not contained or restricted by things or elements--He is everywhere at all times.

Our God knows everything about us and when the tragedies will occur--and He fills us with compassion, igniting desire to talk to Him, and to intercede on behalf of others.

Our God is compassionate, loving, merciful, and forgiving. And because He is, we who are filled with His Spirit--can be likewise.

In times like these, our true nature will come forth and we will either be more like God (we are not gods) or we will be insensitive to all going on around us.

His compassion towards His greatest creation--mankind--never ceases, never fails, and neither should ours.

His mercy is everlasting and though we may disagree with people about how they live and what they do--we should be merciful towards others when tragedies occur.

He forgives us--those who once were sinners--and some more sinful than others--but with God--sin is sin--no big ones or little ones, but we come to Him, repentant, He forgives all we've ever done and so should we--forgive others and ourselves.

He loves us so much He was willing to sacrifice Himself--for us--even though we rejected Him from the beginning as evidenced by our disobedience--He still loves us--unconditionally. And so should we--love others unconditionally, but unconditional love, does not mean we condone sin.

When we look at the attributes of God and how marvelous He is, we know we'll never measure up to Him, but it should not keep us from trying to reach a place of perfection in which He will be well-pleased.

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