Saturday, August 20, 2016

Not Guilty!

Who can say, “I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin”? Even small children are known by their actions, so is their conduct really pure and upright? Proverbs 20:9,11

No matter what we do or have done in the time we've been on the earth, none of us can say, we've never done anything wrong--unless we were physically incapable of acting on our own.

And that's the key. If we are able to make decisions about anything, chances are--we've made a few wrong ones. Even small children--learning to walk and discover--find out the hard way that not everything should be put in one's mouth or they shouldn't touch everything they see. How much children are harmed by their discovery activities depends upon the parents' detail to attention in keeping them safe and harmful events--limited.

So, if small children are known by their actions, how we can reasonably conclude that adults are not known by theirs?

When we promote hatred of other people simply because of their religious beliefs, skin color, or how they look--what does that say about us?

When we constantly promote the engagement of negative attacks upon others--what does that say about us?

When we think we are superior to others and totally discredit the thought processes of others--what does that say about us?

When we think we can chastise others and are never receptive to chastisement for what we do--what does that say about us?

We are known by what we do and say--and warrant greater judgment by God because we are adults--not children. The children--who do wrong--usually don't know what they're doing, but adults--especially those who claim to know Christ--have no excuse.

When we know The Lord and are cognizant of The Word and live it on a daily basis, we cannot say, "we're not guilty" when we do wrong. And if we claim we're not guilty of ever doing anything wrong--we lie and proclaim the devil is our father.

The one thing I will not be guilty of doing in this lifetime is saying, I've never done anything wrong. I hear Holy Spirit when He speaks and though I'm sometimes slow to obey, I do obey. I obey even I don't understand why He wants me to do certain things, but I know--if He says it--it can't be wrong.

Therefore, I will continue to live like the King's Kid that I am and hope to be known for being His--always willing to admit when I'm wrong and correct my behavior.

Unlike some--I cannot say, "Not Guilty" of ever being wrong, but I know that love--will make it right!

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