Thursday, August 11, 2016

Walking in Darkness!

Yet I am writing you a new command; its truth is seen in him and in you, because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining. Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness. Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble. But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them. I John 2:8-11 NIV
Political Alert!

When John reminds us that we as Believers should be walking in the Light of God's love and yet we see--those who claim to be walking in the light hating--what are we really demonstrating to the world?

I'm more inclined to believe "the world" knows how to treat others better than those who claim to know Christ--based upon what I see on a daily basis in the media. More specifically, the Republican party is always "acting" like they're more religious than the Democrats, but from what I see--with all the hate-mongering promoted and encouraged, I'd rather be known as a Believer than a Christian with all of the "religious" trappings that apparently mean nothing to those espousing the claims. I have seen more hate and fear-mongering from those who claim to know Christ and follow Him than I could have ever imagined. I am ashamed and embarrassed by the behavior of those who claim to be Christians, but obviously have no clue as to how Christ wants us to live--loving one another.

If we have not love--one for the other--we do not belong to Christ and all the religiosity we demonstrate, won't mean a thing.

Loving one another does not mean we have to agree with one another, but it should mean we respect one another enough to accept that we all have differing opinions, and simply agree to disagree without all the name-calling and bashing others.

I cannot imagine that God is happy with much of what He's seeing in our behavior. We have literally defiled our relationship with Him because of politics--which is a disaster in this country--and in a few months, it will all be over--no matter who wins. But will we be able to restore broken relationships with others because of differing opinions? I don't know.  Some of the things I see--cut quite deep and restoration of relationships may not be possible and that's a shame.

As Believers--we should not promote or support anyone who promotes fear or hate. It's really just that simple. Love--covers a multitude of sin and when we love--unconditionally, we are able to forgive, but hate--is a cancer that runs rampant and is not satisfied until it kills. The enemy's job--kill, steal, and destroy, father of liars, and master of deception. 

If we ever expect anyone to have any respect for the word, "Christian" we'd better start cleaning up our acts or no one is going to be believe we are "followers of Christ" when we promote hatred of people--for any reason. If we promote hatred, we lie when we claim to be followers of Christ.

Followers of Christ--true Believers--have various skin tones, colors; come from various backgrounds and come in all sizes and though we love the same God--read the same Word, we have various differing thoughts about how we do things--as it relates to being a Believer, but everything we do--should be aligned with The Word.

Our role--while in the earth--is to love people to Christ--not turn them off from hearing the Gospel message. And quite frankly, I'm becoming tone-deaf to some people who claim to be Christians, but are promoting agendas based on political party affiliations rather than The Word of God. The Gospel Message is the only we should be promoting and not just by beating people up with The Word, but in our treatment of everyone.

It is time for us to stop walking in darkness--doing the deeds of darkness, but to live in the glorious light of The Lord!

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