Monday, August 15, 2016

Watching Exchanges!

Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him. Proverbs 26:4 NIV
Beginning to understand this proverb better each day.

I've stated before that I read articles from several different digital mediums and when I find one interesting enough, I post a comment. Depending on the subject of the post, I usually get quite a few responses--some agreeing, some disagreeing, some humorous, and some--just downright hateful. I've been able to spot the bigots and the racists who simply comment to make their voice known. I get it.
They want everyone to know what they think, but not who they are since most hide behind profile icons rather than pics of themselves. Silly me--everyone knows who I am because I am not ashamed of who I am, my positions on anything and I certainly don't allow the idiots to intimidate me.

Now, though some--even those who don't agree with my stances on things--have applauded my restraint in responding in like manner to those who are hateful, I have decided--those types of exchanges just aren't worth the effort. So, now--instead of responding to those who only want to spew their vitriol--I simply hide their post. Problem solved.

It's not that I don't think Holy Spirit won't keep a rein on my fingers, but it's just so tempting to be like those who simply want to hate others. But I'm thankful that love reigns in my heart and I don't want to make my Father ashamed of me--by acting the part of a fool.

God is always watching what we do and say and more importantly, He knows our hearts and He knows those who are truly His, from those who claim they belong to Him.

The most amazing thing about some of the online posters is most of them claim to be Christians. From their comments they believe they are an authority unto themselves and nothing anyone else thinks--matters. And no matter what anyone says, they want to set them straight--if you don't think like they do--you're a worthless sinner or worse yet--for them I guess--a "clueless Libtard."
One lady--Kim Smith--told me, I needed to "read my bible better" and I "couldn't be a Democrat and a Christian." I guess someone forgot to tell her that Believers belong to whatever political party they choose. What most don't understand is--a true Believer--looks at the whole picture, not just selected portions and makes a decision. It's like looking at a buffet table--loaded down with all sorts of food--but when a person knows they don't like certain foods, they simply don't put those on their plate. It doesn't mean they choose not to eat anything.

And that's the way I choose to select the political dynamic that best suits the goal for the masses, not just for a handful of people. I don't necessarily agree with the platform policies of either of the four parties, but there is one, I'm sure will best benefit "all people" whether I particularly agree with the candidate or not. Here's the thing--I will never vote for a person who shows no demonstrable aptitude for hearing and obeying Holy Spirit--no love, no self-control, no self-discipline--just rashly speaking and refusing to accept responsibility for what they say and do.  No--this isn't a political commentary, but it just goes to show how knowing what God says--reveals itself in our daily lives.

So, watch exchanges with people--and if they don't agree with you--let it go--it's their prerogative and if they get nasty, let them--hide their post and walk away from it. If we act like they act, then we are no better than they are.

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