Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Breaking News! Republicans Lie Again!

On the surface--it may seem like a change, but in order to really understand what the "tax reform bill" as a whole, one has to read the entire 800 page document to see how many will be impacted. The elimination of the "ACA mandate" for insurance sounds good, but every person paying for healthcare insurance will see a rise in premiums in 2018 and beyond. Once insurance premiums rise, they never decrease.
All of the Republicans admit--none of them have read the entire document--and they don't know if they can pay the $1.5 trillion dollar deficit. They will "GUT SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE" to pay for this bill. They don't care because they gave themselves great loopholes to use to offset their tax burden, but Senior Citizens become the biggest losers in all the printed pages. We don't own golf courses so therefore we don't get credit for the maintenance of them or private aircraft or commercial real estate.
Whether a person agrees with what they've done or not, I have but one serious question to ask: How can Everyday Americans trust elected officials who pass major legislation without reading all that it entails or tell the truth about the final fallout?
Read carefully and remember they will be going back to the plan to adjust for the fact that the plan won't produce the tax revenue to keep the government going.


For the rational thinking Americans, we know what we have to do--in 2018--create a Blue Wave Tsunami across the country, Repealing and Replacing all the GOP seats in Congress so that Americans can survive and thrive. With all of the repeal of Consumer Protection regulations, we know that people will die from air pollutants, toxic water with plant run-offs, and chemicals in food and cattle. When people get sick from these environmental issues, they won't have healthcare because they won't be able to afford it. Thereby, creating a rise in the funeral industry when deaths increase. Don't take my word for it, check the projections for yourself.

CEOs have already said, they won't use tax savings to invest in jobs or wages. If we pay attention to history, we know the economy doesn't thrive with reduced taxes, it thrives when there is sufficient tax revenue accrued to pay for government expenses. Now, since the Republicans plan to spend billions on a wall and to increase military spending by billions, they can only cut--education, social security, medicaid, medicare, CHIP and SNAP, all which are needed to sustain the Red States.

In addition to not giving the middle class the tax cut promised, the bill also allows national lands to be used for drilling for oil--in an attempt to fossilize us further rather than moving forward with clean energy plans. The United States will be responsible for creating a hazard with climate changes we see across the globe.

The other inclusions--and there are many--will do nothing to increase the quality of life for anyone other than the Greedy Old Predators.

Remember this--short-term gratification--usually leads to long-term problems.

If you really care about the State of America and want to see significant change that benefits all Everyday Americans, think about joining us in the Blue Wave movement by voting Blue in every election--because it is the Blue that cares for all.

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