Sunday, January 14, 2018

Can We Know Peace Again?

Open the gates that the righteous nation may enter, the nation that keeps faith. You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal. He humbles those who dwell on high, he lays the lofty city low; he levels it to the ground and casts it down to the dust. Feet trample it down— the feet of the oppressed, the footsteps of the poor.The path of the righteous is level; you, the Upright One, make the way of the righteous smooth. Isaiah 26:2-7 NIV
False alarms about in-coming nuclear missiles, unfiltered race-baiting comments from the person in the Oval Office, silence from the Congressional leadership, and uproar from the majority of people-loving Americans--all of this--disrupts hopes of peace residing in the land. But all is not lost as long as we, who have a right relationship with Jesus, hold onto our faith in Him, instead of another human being.

Don't get me wrong--I'm not saying we should do nothing while we earnestly wait to live at peace within our borders and outside of them. We must change the individual in the Oval Office--not attempting to change him or racist attitudes, but with another person who is far more compassionate, insightful, and intellectually capable of thinking before speaking. This is what we must work to do--knowing that this is right in the sight of God who above all things--wants us to live in peace, loving one another, defending the rights of the poor and needy.

When people take their eyes off God and have more faith in riches and celebrity and in a person's ability to manipulate the masses with lies and gaslighting techniques that lead to the overwhelming spread of false propaganda--we lose. Many blinked--taking their eyes off God--and looked upon the person who was the most vile creature we've ever seen mislead millions. Some blinked because of their hatred of Hillary and didn't bother to vote at all. Some blinked because they were misled by all the false propaganda. Others proved they have never known God because they promoted the blatant, hateful bigotry spewed by drumpf to the point they wore very telling political gear, proving their hatred of women and other ethnicities. Anyone who has ever had a right relationship with Jesus could never wear a T-shirt calling a woman a dog, or using racial slurs as it relates to other people.

I am convinced--the same people who were shouting, "Lock her up" without cause, will be the same people will be groaning and complaining, claiming, "fake news" when and if it is proven that their "savior" is a traitor to America. It is the poor and educated masses in Red States who are going to suffer financially as we have already seen with the advent of the "criteria-based" ability to receive Medicaid. Now, anyone receiving Medicaid, must pass a literacy test and pay higher premiums for healthcare insurance. The same people will see no benefit from the TaxCutScam that benefited only the wealthy--those who make millions, own private aircraft and golf courses.  In fact, it has just been revealed that drumpf had no idea that Black people were not the ones who were who received the most welfare (White-40%, Black-27.7%). But then again, he has no interest in facts about much of anything and has admitted his own net worth is contingent upon his "feelings" at the moment.

For people who are capable of critical thinking and understanding the value of research from credible sources, they understand our current dilemma. If the person in the Oval Office is not interested in facts about reality--how can he make good decisions about the welfare of the country? Short answer--he can't and unfortunately we have an impotent Republican Congress who won't exercise their authority in keeping him in check or removing him completely.

But this is what happens when we take our eyes off God--we believe the lies propagated by those in authority in a vast number of places--particularly the church--or rather the rich, White Evangelicals who convinced a few Black church leaders to believe their lies on one specific issue--abortion. Those in positions of leadership--primarily White men, have convinced people that God is not Pro-Choice and wants to control what women decide. That's the biggest lie ever promoted by those in the church. God wants us all to live a life that is honoring to Him and obeys His commandment of love. What we have to remember is God is Pro-Choice in that He gives us the right to choose the paths we take and the consequences we face. He does not control what we do and we should not allow others--mere human beings--to take that choice from us. Those who profess to be Pro-life really indicate they are merely "fetus-lovers" because they care nothing about the life outside the womb and we know because of the policies they support--in their support of the malignant narcissist they elected (with the help of the Russians). If these same people were actually "pro-life" they would fight tooth and nail to protect the poor and vulnerable and be more willing to see tax dollars spent on helping the poor and vulnerable than in supporting tax dollars spent on golf outings (over $90M spent so far in less than a year).

When people do not have a right relationship with Jesus on their own and count on those in leadership in churches, they can be misled--we know because of the number of cults that have caused people to lose their lives. And with this administration--it has become a cult. The supporters of this administration see no wrong in anything he does--whether it's perpetually lying about the obvious, maligning women or other groups of people or spending tax dollars needlessly and only considering the rich with his policies. Their blind loyalty to a bigot also keeps them from seeing they have forsaken the premises on which Christianity is built--loving one another unconditionally.

I have not lost my faith in God, my relationship with Jesus has never wavered and I know, like most true Believers, when we pray--expecting Him to respond--we must also do--giving our prayers--feet. I have faith that we--the true Patriots in America, those capable of loving others regardless of what they look like--will change the landscape in Washington and provide an atmosphere of peace again in the nation.

No matter who wins the next presidential election--I am confident it will be a person--man or woman--who understands the tenets of humanity and civility and they will protect protect the rights of the poor and vulnerable, reestablish our position on the global stage and work to maintain and preserve peace--globally.

My name is Mary Hall-Rayford, and I'm planning a run for President in the 2020 Election. If you believe I can indeed make a difference that will lead to a better life for all, I welcome your support. Please visit and leave a comment or just "Like" the page.


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