Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Learning Russian, Yet?

I'm going to make this quick and painless, hopefully.

Russia Is In The White House.

Russia Has compromised Congressional GOP.

Russia is laughing at the chaos and disorder currently displayed in the United States.

Why should we be concerned about Russia?

Just in case anyone is taking notes, the issue of Russian involvement in our government was raised near the end of 2016, if not before (I don't remember exactly). But once it was known that Russian interference actually influenced the outcome of the election (and it did no matter what the naysayers have to say), we should have been preparing to learn Russian. Actually, I started with a language app that taught Russian. I didn't get very far because I thought (silly me) that I was simply over-reacting to the situation. Now, I know, intuitively, I was on the right track.

Recently a Russian fighter jet was heckling one of our military jets--the White House knew and did and said nothing about it.

A few weeks ago, a Russian Spy Ship was noted in the Atlantic, headed up the East Coast to Florida. Nothing was said. I wonder why? No, that's not the truth, I know why. Someone on that ship was trying to make it to the Mar-A-Lago party. It has been interesting to note that was not the first time a Russian Spy Ship has entered our borders with nothing said.

It has also been noted by those in the White House that #Rumplethinskin and Putin have an actual relationship going--they converse on a regular basis. Hmmm!

Yesterday, the sanctions Congress voted for last year and he signed were supposed to be implemented, but they weren't. The White House says, they're no longer needed. Hmmm!

Mike Pompeo, the CIA Director states Russia will meddle in our election again and are probably preparing to interfere with the 2018 mid term elections. But the White House is not concerned. Hmmm!

As often as Kelly Anne Conway and others in the White House disdain the notion that the only reason #Rumplethinskin won the election was because of Russian interference, it would appear they're worried if sanctions are implemented, Republicans will lose in the mid term elections. Hmmm!

On top of all that, Devin Nunes and his secret society which includes: Mark Meadows, Kevin McCarthy (more McCartheism?), Jim Jordan, and Matt Gaetz and apparently sanctioned by Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell--are scared to death of the Mueller Russia-Probe and are now attacking the veracity of the FBI and DOJ. I wonder why? We can't forget that Nunes was seen heading to the White House and sharing classified information and then made it known, publicly. After which, he supposedly recused himself as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee (since he was on the transition team), but we now discover, he's been behind the scenes conducting every move--orchestrating the outcome or at least trying to make sure if it got to close to him. Boy, I tell you, fear will make fools of the best of men (in this case--the worst of men) and truth is causing them to act as frantic as someone who's head is on fire and they can't put it out. Hmmm. "Head on fire!" I'll have to remember that.

So let's recap!

Russia is in the White House!

Russia has compromised the Congressional GOP!

Putin is thrilled with the chaos and discord sown in our democracy!

Time to learn Russian, yet?

Stay tuned and watch to see if I'm right or wrong. If I'm wrong, I'll repent, confess and publicly acknowledge--but I don't think I will be.

We've been sold a bill of goods by a Russian plant and many refuse to accept that truth so they're to regurgitate: We got our pro-life supreme court judge, we got tax cuts so we can ignore all the rest of the dumb stuff and the economy growth--is the result of Obama policies, not this administration. On top of all that--93K jobs are still being outsourced, many companies who gave bonuses are laying off or outright firing people, so are we really better off? I think most of those who lost jobs would rather have their jobs rather than a bonus.

Pay attention: You got a stolen SCOTUS seat because a corrupt Mitch McConnell refused a vote on a nominee made by Obama (and don't bother with the crap about a lame-duck appointment); you got a pittance for tax cuts while the corporations and very rich, made out like bandits (unless you make over $100K a year); and you got regulations repealed so that now, we no longer have access to clean air and water and our food is probably contaminated with pesticides that negatively impact the brains of children.

Happy yet? There's more to come--including government controlled Internet--so only certain people will have access to social media and only for certain times of the day. Sound like any countries we know? How about China, North Korea and you guessed it--Russia!

Well, there's hope for the future--and that includes every voter becoming educated to how Russia interferes with elections with the promotion of false propaganda--on ads on social media, kind of in-your-face stuff and the gullible will believe it. I won't! I'm still planning my run for President in 2020. Need to know where I stand on the issues? Visit www.facebook.com/YesIAm2020 and let me know if I'm addressing your concerns.

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