Thursday, June 25, 2015

Pointing Fingers At The Wrong People Solves Nothing!

It is written: “ ‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’ So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God. (Romans 14:11,12 NIV)

The time is coming and very quickly when we will see God's Word--front and center--alive and blazing brightly so everyone will see and know--He lives! And whether a person has lived their life in belief or unbelief, they shall bow before The King of Kings and acknowledge Him as such.

For those of us who know this--our lives should proclaim this truth--on a daily basis so all who know us will have opportunity to see God's Word in action. And when He returns, none will have an excuse for not believing Him.

As it is now--we know by listening to the media reports--many do not believe Him and certainly have not given Him Lordship over their lives. It is sickening to see how people have so little value for not only their lives, but for the lives of others. In one week, how many times do we have to hear about gun violence and people being killed? How many times must we see car thieves kill innocent people when they attempt to "run away" from the police?

In particular, two children--on a sidewalk--were killed yesterday when the driver of a stolen car, running from the police plowed into them. That wasn't enough--they kept going and injured three more children and an adult before crashing. The driver attempted to run, but was caught.

Here's the problem for me--today: Interviews with parents, witnesses, and others appear to blame the police for trying to stop a thief. I know there has been uproar about police chases, but at what point are we going to stop blaming the police for trying to stop a crime and put the blame where it belongs--on the criminal?

If the person driving the car had not stolen it, there would have been no need for police involvement. Had they had any respect for life--they would not have plowed into innocent children. THE POLICE DID NOT KILL THOSE CHILDREN! THE IDIOTIC DRIVER KILLED THOSE CHILDREN AND THE BLAME--WITH ALL FINGERS POINTED IN HIS DIRECTION--IS HIS!

This is not necessarily a popular position to take--especially in life of all the police abuse of others as we have recently seen, but let's get real. Honestly, every time a person commits an act that requires police involvement--they are to blame, not the police. Let's stop pointing the fingers at the police and change the culture in which we live where young people (and older people, too) think they have a right to help themselves to the property of others, trespass on the property of others, and do whatever they want--without regard for the rights of others.

If all we do is point fingers at those we think are the problem, we're not solving any problems. Parents must be better parents in teaching their children right from wrong and holding them accountable for what they do. We need laws that are enforceable and court systems that are more interested in justice being served than serving their political agendas.

What we need is for people to believe God now and live like they believe Him! Then and only then, will we see an end to senseless violence and the loss of innocent lives.  We shall all give an account to God for what we have or have not done, so let's get this living on earth, right!

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