Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Who's Causing Division?

I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people." (Romans 16:17,18 NIV)

Any time someone attempts to dissuade a person--about anything God has said--that person should run, not walk in the opposite direction, steering clear of them until they can demonstrate the love of God.

No one who has ever had a right relationship with God can ever truthfully deny anything God has said or His intention for mankind. When we find these people to now want to "reinvent" what God has said, it's time to move on and leave them to the destruction they are bound to incur.

When people attempt to refute or renegotiate God's Word to suit their current desires, they care creating divisions in the body of Believers who know what God has said and means.
However, since there are some who are easily influenced and too weak to stand on the Truth, they go along to get along with others. Here's the problem for going along to get along; especially when it pertains to God's Word--none of us will be asked to stand together with all those we got along with when we stand before God. We will stand before Him--alone--on our own--and nothing anyone else says or does will matter.

Whoever coined the term, "political correctness" and "progressive politics" created the gap that now separates those who truly love God and those who are only giving lip service to God. Political correctness can never take the place of Godly righteousness--no matter who says it or how often they say it--God gets the final say. Progressive politics is nothing more than the enemy's plan to turn people away from God and once they have turned from God, Satan will play havoc with their lives and all those around them.

Once we play games to win the approval of people, we have lost the favor of God. When we have favor with God, He gives us favor with people. America is in the shape it's in because of those people--whoever they are and however they do it--who cause division in the plan that God has already established.

God's plan for mankind is that all are treated like they all belong to the human race--not a particular group of people. God's plan for mankind in order to perpetuate the continuity of human beings is for man and woman to marry and have children. God's plan for mankind is that every child would be raised in homes with a mother and father--whose guidelines are specifically listed in His Word. God's plan for mankind was for us to love one another and love Him. When we love, we don't kill, steal or destroy, lie, manipulate, deceive, or hate--these are the character traits employed by those influenced by Satan. God's plan for mankind is for us to live in harmony, peace and unity--which is the opposite of Satan's plan which always creates confusion and chaos.

Now, I ask you to think--and to be honest with self--whose plan are you adhering to--God's or Satan's? And let's be real, anytime a person promotes hatred by spreading vicious gossip and rumor's--igniting division--they are not part of God's plan, but Satan's.

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