Monday, June 22, 2015

Victory Through The Finishe Work On The Cross!

"The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (I Corinthians 15: 56,57 NIV)

Whenever Jesus taught the people, He used parables or anecdotal stories to which the people could relate. All He told them, they understood because of the times of their lives. The Word is still taught in anecdotal stories--those things to which people can relate. So today, we look at how much "stings" hurt and can damage.

There are so many things in our lives that can sting us. We can stung by bees and wasps. We can be stung by jellyfish and sticky leaves on plants. We can be stung by betrayal, hurt, and sadness. and we can be stung by death when we allow sin to reign in our lives. How does sin reign? With the power of the law--given to Moses--and rejection of the work on the cross by Jesus Christ.

For when The Law was given--Holy Spirit ascended upon people as God directed and those people were the only ones who had the authority to speak what God said. With The Work on the Cross, Holy Spirit dwells within every Believer who has received Him and God speaks to every Believer in whom Holy Spirit dwells. However, if we choose not to hear and obey, that is on us and we miss receiving the victory over sin in our lives.

We no longer have to go to a specific place or to a specific person--asking them to seek God on our behalf. We only have to look within--The Word and our hearts, and decide to hear what God has to say. If we do not know The Word, we will not recognize God's voice when we hear Him. If our spiritual ears are blocked with the cares of the world and those things that distract and distort the sound, we will not hear Him. If we cannot or will not hear Him when He speaks, we allow sin--whatever our fleshly dictates desire--to overtake us and we give up ground in the victory we had won, and sometimes, we never regain our position in order to enjoy the victory we were given.

The war with ISIS is a perfect example of giving up ground. The United States has time and time again, helped other Middle Eastern countries to gain control over cities in which ISIS had captured. And with each loss, ISIS regrouped and gained that territory back. That's how the enemy works. If we're not careful with the victory we have, we allow more demons to come into our lives and take up residence, leading us back into the captivity of sin and we know--sin's payment is death.

When we accept the Work on the Cross, Believe Jesus is the Son of God, and give Him His rightful place in our lives--as Lord, we have victory of sin. However, we must guard our victory vigorously by staying in The Word, always ready to hear God and obey. We have the victory--our problem--as we can see in our society is how to maintain the ground we have gained without allowing the enemy's forces to regain the territory.

Victory is ours--through The Work on the Cross and we can loudly proclaim--Jesus Christ is our Lord!

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