Thursday, April 14, 2016

When We Reach Our Haven!

Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven. Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind. Psalm 107:28-31 NIV
How many times have we cried out to The Lord and He responded--knowing it would not be the last time we would reach out to Him when we get into trouble?

I could go all the way back to all those who cried out to The Lord in the Old Testament to illustrate this point, but there's no need. Every time a disaster hits--whether it is acts of terrorism, storms, earthquakes, undisciplined spouses, disrespectful children, the chaos and confusion amidst all the violence or the calamities of hatred, we continue to call upon The Lord. And sometimes, in the midst of our personal storms--we make rash promises to God--and though we are sincere in the moment--God knows--we won't keep the promises. So He waits--until the next time.

What is most amazing is how quickly we develop amnesia when it comes to remembering what we said to God.
"God, if you'll just heal my mama, I'll go to church."
"God, if you'll just find my children and keep them safe, I'll serve you."
"God, if you just make my husband leave me alone, I'll get right with you."
And some people are saying,"God, if you just let me win the lottery, I'll give my ten percent."

The list could go on for a few days and many of us either know someone who has prayed like this or we have actually said it ourselves. While we wait to hear from God, some of us actually do better--I guess that's our attempt to convince God we meant what we said and as soon as we get what we want, we go right back to being who we were and doing what we did, forgetting about that conversation with God.

In His infinite mercy and grace--and knowing us from the beginning--He still responds to our cries because that's what a loving Father does.He takes care of His Children.

So in the midst of our next storm, and we cry out to Him, He'll hear us, but maybe, just maybe He won't be so quick to respond since He knows--we won't change our ways for the duration. When He does respond and guides us to our safe haven--professional counselors, doctors, or whoever it might be--we need to take the time to thank Him for His mercy and grace--always extended to us--even though He may not respond as quickly as we'd like.

Lord, have mercy upon us--Your wayward children--and create in us a clean heart and hearing ears so we'll respond quickly to You in obedience to all You tell us to do.

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