Monday, February 13, 2017

Is This The Journey God Approved?

In those days Israel had no king. And in those days the tribe of the Danites was seeking a place of their own where they might settle, because they had not yet come into an inheritance among the tribes of Israel. So the Danites sent five of their leading men from Zorah and Eshtaol to spy out the land and explore it. These men represented all the Danites. They told them, “Go, explore the land.” So they entered the hill country of Ephraim and came to the house of Micah, where they spent the night.When they were near Micah’s house, they recognized the voice of the young Levite; so they turned in there and asked him, “Who brought you here? What are you doing in this place? Why are you here?” He told them what Micah had done for him, and said, “He has hired me and I am his priest.”  Then they said to him, “Please inquire of God to learn whether our journey will be successful.”The priest answered them, “Go in peace. Your journey has the LORD’s approval.”
In reading all of Judges (the entire book), we see what happens to various tribes when they forsake God and look to men to guide them. Even though the Danites inquired of the priest for direction, they misused the information to attack those living in peace. They were the peace-breakers, not peacemakers.

When the colonists came to this land, they were escaping religious persecution and though they were still under the authority of the King of England, they forged their way across the ocean and settled in the land, already inhabited among those who lived in peace, but not for long. They spied out the land just long enough to see that the land was good and the people conquerable. So that's what they did. They became peace-breakers and later claimed the land as their own, when it was not.

The prevailing attitude of those who claim to be "white nationalists" or "supremacists" is one of hatred, in the guise of "a christianity" unknown to God. Their christianity involves them being fearful of being extinct and to prevent their extinction, they revile and belittle everyone who doesn't look like them. What they fail to recognize is that the God of Heaven, who came down to earth in the likeness of man in the person of Jesus, is Love and will not teach hatred of anyone, simply because they look different.

What's revealed in the attitude of those who hate "non-white" people is the fact that they haven't read or understood the bible and have no relationship with God. If their relationship with God was right, their journey in the land would not concern them for He would lead them in righteousness and a journey into peace-making, not peace-breaking.

It is apparent from the comments I read on news threads and the video clips I view that there are so many people out there who don't know the history of the journey by the colonists to this land. I've said this before, and I guess I'll just have to keep saying it, "America was not founded on Christianity or built by white Europeans." The land was not called America until the white Europeans "conquered" the peaceful people and virtually stole the land from them, resettling them in specific areas to control them. The Natives of the land were not Christians, the belief was forced upon them, just as it was forced upon the slaves who were imported to this land. It was the slaves who "built this country" and invented much of what was used to increase the wealth of "white slave owners."

Considering the gift given to us by France, once "Americans" declared their freedom from oppression, the statue of liberty--that rests in the New York harbor as a beacon of hope for anyone coming to the land, I find it totally bizarre that people do not want immigrants coming here. What is more bizarre is the support by many for a ban against Muslims--a religion, not an ethnicity--when we claim to welcome "all." I guess the welcome has become a lie, since we now act as though we are superior to every other group of people.

Newsflash Americans--and I am one--whose ancestors were imported to the land--we are not superior to anyone and our country is younger than most. We are now proceeding to the edge of the cliff where all the "ideals" of democracy are being brushed aside by the menace of "nationalist" ideology and this journey--of hatred--will bring us all to the end as we fall into the precipice of fascism and tyranny.

Isolationism is key in the effort to "control the masses"(in fenced-like concentration camps already constructed in various states) along with false news and propaganda designed to make people believe what is not true. Only those who are blinded by hate will fall for the nonsense, but their growing hatred will cause much irreparable damage to an entire nation--if not impeded. We have no king--we have an elected leader, who is subject to the laws of the land, like everyone else. When a leader of a free nation attempts to control what news is appropriate for people to hear, they have reached a point where they should be removed. It is time to begin the impeachment process of all in the White House.

Can we see the similarities between the Danites and Americans? If not, we simply need to take a journey into the history of our nation and other world governments to understand what we see right now.

America has been a nation of immigrants, all looking to have a better life, regardless of their religious beliefs or the color of their skin and all need to be treated with respect, and in recognition of the Constitution which we say is our guide.

If we insist--out of fear--to continue this journey of hatred and superiority, we will indeed become extinct as so many other civilizations have--before us.

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