Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Only Republicans Matter Now?

Has anyone noticed that Americans have all become Republicans? You missed that phenomena, too, huh? Pay attention to the rhetoric that comes from the GOP, the White House Administration and of course, trump. They really believe they have a mandate from America because of the election rigging and illegitimate win — across the board for Republicans.

Almost every sentence starts with — “Americans have given us a mandate” or a version thereof. “He’s being given a mandate,” Kellyanne Conway told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day.” “And that mandate is going to be somewhat different than what we’ve had, it’s a repudiation of some of the things we’ve had.” [Hate reigns in the hearts of trump and his enablers]

KATIE PAVLICH: The Republicans now have a mandate. We have a Republican in the White House. We have a Republican-controlled Senate and Republican-controlled House. We have had divided government for a long time and as Paul Ryan said today they have a lot of good ideas on the table that they’ve been trying to get through that were obstructed by Harry Reid for years that they now are going to be able to push through as a result of this election. [Fox News, Special Report, 11/9/16] [Isn’t our democracy supposed to represent all the people and the “divided government” acting as a check and balance so all benefit? When one group makes all the decisions without any consideration for others — it becomes a dictatorship, not a democracy.]

Now, it would appear that because of the election rigging and the electoral college bribery, that Republicans are determined to only govern — Republicans. None of their policies or agendas have taken into consideration the rest of America — just what 62M angry, misled, and hate-filled people decided (many of whom now regret their decision). A mandate — normally entails what the majority have determined — but the 2016 election was anything but normal and it would appear that we are far from becoming normal again, any time soon.

But let’s look at the actual facts (numbers don’t lie unless manipulated by those who skipped their math classes).

Now, let’s not forget that Hillary won the popular vote by 3M votes — and because trump hates to lose — he’s sold a bill of goods to the gullible by promoting the notion that the 3M votes were cast by illegal immigrants — a fact that has been debunked, repeatedly but the gullible will believe a lie much quicker than the truth when it suits them. And the gullible — those who will swallow anything because they don’t like to research information and have limited critical thinking skills — keep promoting all the lies and false propaganda engineered by the Russian regime with an assist from the GOP. Their win — is not a legitimate win and will be proven so in the very near future, but that won’t stop them from destroying America — under the pretense of doing what’s best for Republicans.

Let me see, now. Do Republicans not want to save the planet for their descendants? Do Republicans care about not having clean water to drink or are they okay with the toxic run-off from coal mines and industrial complexes poisoning the water? Do they care about the rollback of consumer protections and rampant repeal of regulations that keep not just Republican children safe, but all children who eat produce covered and embedded with chemicals that will eventually, lead to their deaths? Do Republicans not understand the ramifications and eventual consequences of a nuclear war? Do they not know that radioactive fall-out won’t ask for a voter’s registration to determine who it will kill or where victims will be located? Are all Republicans part of the 1% that tax cuts will benefit or is it just the 200 families that will hold all the wealth and the rest of us — well, we’ll eventually die out and who will be left to work for the 200 families? Will they plant gardens, work in factories, man phone-lines, create all they need to subsist or are they setting themselves up to die as well?

No matter how much money or wealth a person may have, if the land (and water) is toxic and nothing grows — all will perish. I wonder — have they given this a lot of thought or are their actions — merely reactions to their hatred of Obama? Considering the fact that Republicans were supposed to be the party of “family values/morals” it is difficult to believe any of them are Christians since they have no love for anyone other than themselves. Apparently, they do not understand that Christ promoted love for all, not just the Republicans. I don’t think they’ve given this the time needed to come to a logical conclusion. Whatever happens to the Democrats they hate so much, will also impact the Republicans since we all live on the same planet in the same country.

Getting back to this so-called mandate — if we consider a mandate being what the majority want — the mandate would be for Hillary to be in the Oval Office, making decisions for the benefit of all Americans — not just the Democrat party. Therein lies the real difference — Democrats govern for all the people, Republicans — just them and those who praise them and support them. Some how, that doesn’t sound like a true democracy; it sounds more like an authoritarian take-over in which only one group — the Republicans in this situation — govern for just their group and the rest of us — “be damned.”

The prevailing attitude of the GOP leadership and trump makes it even more important that Americans Vote Blue in the coming elections so All Americans will have a chance to survive. Democrats — in recent history — have been the only party that considers what is best for all Americans and not just other Democrats or those who support them. Therefore, we must use our collective voting rights to turn this situation around so all can sleep at night — knowing there will be a new morning in which we can all enjoy living in America.

We need to put in a place — an elected person who will govern for all — reaching across the aisle of Congress to make the best decisions for all and who is not afraid of a challenge, and has a heart filled with love, not hate. We can make it happen, by remembering that we are all in this thing called life — together. The decisions made that affect one group, will affect all Americans. Let’s do this — We can raise the standards for all Americans and do it with love, not hate guiding all we do.

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