Sunday, October 8, 2017

With Renewed Hope and Patience!

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:9-14 NIV
Taking Paul's words to the church at Colosse literally makes a difference in how we need to approach this time in which we live. We must believe that prayers have and will continue to go forth on our behalf as the world watches the chaos in the WH that embroils our lives on a daily basis. Our hope must continually be in God and in the wisdom He will pour out on all who are willing to receive and accept it. For that reason, many of us are praying that Bob Mueller is willing to receive God's wisdom and act upon accordingly. America deserves much better than what we are experiencing as a nation with a fake leader in the Oval Office.

Though some may have thought with my posts lately that I've given up on our God, nothing could be further from the truth. My hope--is continually in He who inspires and encourages my daily walk. I look to Him to keep my tongue from going to far and my fingers from tapping out words that can be erased or retrieved before impacting those who see them. It's been an extremely difficult week for me to relinquish my thoughts and fingers to Holy Spirit. It is only because of Him that I have not unleashed a tirade so great that would make the devil blush. It is because of Him who I strive to please that I have not been totally "unpolitically correct."

Does my awareness of how words can negatively impact perception and perspective as to who I am matter? Of course it does! Words matter--whether coming from me or anyone else and unfortunately, that concept hasn't been able to breach the brains of the moron-in-chief. I'm not the only one who questions the WH idiot's ability to do anything other than bully and bluster his way around people.

He demonstrated his total ineptness at being empathic and a consoler-in-chief, but highlighted his insensitivity to others on a much greater scale than I thought possible. And to top off the week of foolishness and stupidity, he alludes to starting a war with North Korea after throwing Rex Tillerson under the bus. Reading a number of articles released by those in the media who are close to those in the White House, it was not surprising to hear that more than one of cabinet members have called him a moron because he has no knowledge of what he's supposed to be doing and resents anyone trying to guide him. For if--for any reason--he chose to be grateful to those who are at least trying to guide him, he'd have to admit he doesn't have a great brain, he doesn't have the best words, and he certainly doesn't have an IQ of 203 which he apparently tried to convince staffers that he has. If his IQ was 23, that would be a surprise.

But I digress. It is through reading The Word and being reminded of God's great love for us that renews my hope on a daily basis, and when I think I've reached the end of my rope, The Word helps me to make the knot bigger so I will have the patience I need to keep holding on--for the rescue I believe is coming in the revelation of truth provided by Special Counsel Bob Mueller. For every time the moron opens his mouth, a knot forms in my stomach, but I'm moving the knot from my stomach to the rope of hope from which we're all dangling since we never know what might come next. Pretty soon, the knot will be wide enough to hold a multitude of people and our hope--strengthens the rope--with each new knot. In our patience--holding onto the rope, resting on the knot--we possess our souls and we will not surrender our souls to the evil that abounds from the White House and the GOP or any other demonic influence.

While I wait for the hope of truth setting us all free to be Americans again--I'm still planning a bid for the White House and I pray, that those who review the information on my Face Book page, will find the evidence needed to prove, I am ready and willing to serve all Everyday Americans.

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