Saturday, October 14, 2017

Time to Refocus!

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8 NIV
It’s time for all of us (especially me) to refocus our attention on all that is true, noble, right, pure, lovely admirable, excellent and praiseworthy–and close the door (at least for a moment) on all the ugliness, hate and bigotry that surrounds us on a regular basis.

What is true–is that none of us–individually can do much to change the unfolding events that will inevitably impact our lives in a negative way. But is also true is that together, collectively, we can stand up and speak out against hatred and bigotry and be heard. It is also true that on a daily basis, I am speaking out against injustice and the idiocy and making it known that I am planning a bid for the White House as the next president.

What is noble in my running for president? I already know how the odds stack against me–an older Black woman. I know this is true because a number of Americans chose to believe the lies and false propaganda promoted about an older White woman, who was the most qualified person on the planet to serve and govern in the White House. My running for president is noble because even though I know the odds against my winning, I am determined to seek the position so that I can help raise the standards for all Everyday Americans and I’m not afraid of adversity, animosity, or facing downing the liars and hypocrites that will come floating to the surface of reality to rail against me. I know it’s coming and I’m ready–feet firmly placed for balance and I will not be moved by bigotry.

What is right about my running for president is the fact that many people have said they are tired of old White men, career politicians, and the rich and famous trying to govern when their purposes are self-serving. I am not a career politician and in fact–just made up my mind to get “politically active” earlier this year during a tax day march. I know the struggles and challenges that face Everyday Americans because I’ve lived them. I could enumerate them here, but I’d rather wait and do them in another forum, preferably an interview so all can hear at one  time. I’ve raised children by myself; I’ve held minimum wage jobs; I’ve wondered how we were going to make it from payday to payday; I’ve been out of work through no fault of my own but because of the negligence of a drunk driver; I’ve suffered the loss of my mother, father, stepmother, stepfather, brothers in close proximity. I’m a grandmother raising my oldest grandson, and in the midst of all that, I decided at 48 years-old to go back to school and complete a Bachelor’s degree and kept going.

I’ve had ups and downs and certainly I would never say that I’m a perfect person, but I can say I serve a perfect God who loves me enough to chastise me when I’m headed in the wrong direction and I hear him and obey. It is because of His love that He came in the person of sinful flesh to save me and all others who are willing to receive Him that I can move forward with confidence.

What is pure about my running for president? I have no ulterior motives in seeking the position other than to help all. I have no goals of obtaining wealth through nefarious means, or abuse of power or status. I have no plans to install friends or family who are not qualified for roles of authority. I don’t plan to become a career politician; my only goal is to help steer America back on the track to having the respect of the rest of the world and its leaders. I know my limitations and know how to seek those who know more than I know. I have not need for pride and ego to interfere with ability to serve the needs of all because I’ve never allowed pride and ego to drive my decision-making. I am–Holy Spirit-guided in all I do and I am not ashamed of that fact. I know how to love unconditionally and have no room in my heart for hatred of anyone. I can love with the purity of God the way He loves me.

What is lovely about my running for president? I have no need to put up a front about anything. Anything anyone wants to know about me can be found online simply by typing in my name on any search engine and see a variety of pictures of me and I have it on good authority (my children mostly) that I am a lovely person–inside and out.

What is admirable about my running for president? There is nothing hidden about me and I’m ready to stand up to the scrutiny I know is coming. I’m not afraid of background checks, mental evaluations or financial inspections. I understand the role of government and know that nothing is ever easy, but with cooperation by all–we can solve some of our problems and show the world that we are indeed–the United States of America, not the divided house of horrors.

Whether there is anything excellent or praiseworthy about my running for president has yet to be revealed. No leader is any better than those who support them. If I can find those who support me who are Talented, have Integrity, are Enthusiastic, and have Strategies to win an election, we’ll be a great team. When people meeting that criteria come together, it will indeed be an excellent opportunity for all to work together for a common cause–in Raising the Standards for all Everyday Americans and we’ll leave others to determine the level of praiseworthiness when they reap the benefits of the work we accomplish.

So, yes–it’s time for all to refocus our attention. We have elections to win–all the special elections, the Midterm elections and the General election in which I hope to be the next resident in the White House. Are you with me? Check out the information already available on to see if your concerns are addressed, and if not, please let me know what your concerns are so I can address them. Together we can do this and all will rise!

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