Monday, October 14, 2013

Faith In The Vision!

"Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness" (Genesis 15:6 NIV).

In the first verses of this chapter, Abram has a vision and in the vision, he has a conversation with God and is informed by God that he will have an heir, which was a concern to Abram. God told him that his descendants would number more than the stars in the sky. Once convinced of what God was saying, Abram believed what he saw and heard in the vision.

In the book of Hebrews, we know that Abraham was credited with acknowledged for his faith in God. Faith--having no ability to see what God has promised, but believing what God says and acting on it.
God has given many of us visions--with specific instructions as to how to see the vision come to pass.  The reason many do not see the vision come to pass is because they do nothing, but sit and wait for God to come down from heaven to get the job done. In order to see the visions become reality, we must exercise wisdom.  If we lack wisdom, we must ask Him, who gives it liberally.

If we know what we have seen and heard from God, our faith in Him, should be enough for us to move--get into action--to see the vision come to fruition. If we do nothing, God cannot do anything.  Faith--is not only believing what we do not see--but acting like we already have it.  Jesus said, when we pray, we should believe and receive and then we shall have it.

Now, we know that Abram and Sarah tried to help God's vision come to pass when Sarah thought she was too old to be the recipient of the grace of God. And we know how that turned out--with envy and jealousy reigning in the aftermath. It took thirteen years for the son of promise to appear after Abram helped God. When God gives us a vision and promises something will happen, it will happen in His timing, not ours. We prepare for the vision to come and with patience do we wait, working while we have opportunity to do so.

I am convinced that when we get busy--doing what must done in all those things that honor God, the vision will be fulfilled at a time we may least expect it, but it's coming.
When we know what we have seen and heard, we have to trust God to get it done. Do your part in preparing to receive it. If God said it, it will come to pass. If we try to force things to happen, we could end up like Abram, having to wait that much longer to see it happen. If we start doubting God, we may never see His promises toward us fulfilled in our lives.

Lord, help us to be people of unerring faith--trusting totally in You, Your Word and the visions You give us. Help us to be people of integrity, honoring You in all that we do, so we will not bring shame to self, others, or You. In Jesus' name, I pray and thank You, Amen!

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