Monday, October 21, 2013

Special Consideration?

To have respect of persons is not good: for a piece of bread that man will transgress” (Proverbs 28:21).

Just when I thought I had just about heard it all, I discovered that I had not.  When the media is bored and there is nothing else to report, why must they deliberately set out to ruin a person’s reputation?

My reference is to the story which has garnered much discussion both on a local and national regarding Pastor Marvin Winans .  The story about the woman in question has been appeared on Huffington Post, Fox News, Washington Post, and other venues.  Why? After reading the aforementioned story, I can only say that there has to be more to this story than is being told.

Churches, like any other entity, have a right, no—an obligation to establish certain policies of procedure and they should be enforced. No one should receive special treatment or expect the policies to be ignored. Since the church’s policy (not Winan’s specific policy) was explained and an option offered, I fail to understand the uproar.

I’ve had this conversation with a few people and some of them disagree, but that notwithstanding, I do not understand why people think a “policy” should be ignored, whether fair or not.  Is it a “just” policy intended for everyone, across the board or are exceptions being made?

If this mother did not like the church’s policy, it would have been so simple to go to another, without all the whoopla! Since church attendance anywhere is a volunteer event, with no strings attached—just leave.  Find a place that will accommodate your lifestyle and leave others out of the drama. The real question is—why make a big deal of this unless she wanted to be given “special consideration”? What makes her think she deserved special consideration? And since she claims, she simply wanted the child to be dedicated to God, why not accept the private dedication service offered? For Christians, those who profess to be true believers, to support this kind of behavior (respecting persons), is a mockery of God’s Word.

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