Friday, October 4, 2013

One in Purpose!

"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth" (John 1:14).

Although there are four commonly known versions of the life of Jesus, I wish I had the time to fully expound on John's Gospel--his personal insight that brings me to new understanding every time I read it.

Before I can even begin to explain what I have been inspired to write, I must go back to the beginning.  If we are to truly understand anything about life, we must understand the origins--the beginning of those things that we later say are "history." John reveals who Jesus is and that God and He are one and the same, in purpose from the first verse.  "In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God and The Word was God." What is the beginning that John references?  When God created all things that were created, The Word--Jesus--was with Him.  How do we know?  In the first chapter of Genesis in verses one through twenty-five, when God was speaking everything into existence, He said, "let there be" and it was. In verse twenty-six, He says, "Let us make man in our image" and they did.

Since God is a spirit, Jesus became the flesh of the implantation of the Spirit and lived among us. Glory to God! The Spirit of God, implanted in the virgin so that man's seed would not have any corruptible influence on God's plans to redeem--Jesus is God in the flesh. However, because He understands our inability to sometimes see clearly what He does, He references Jesus as His Son and rightfully so. Jesus, who from the beginning knew what His role in life was to be, called God "Father" and rightfully so. Since Jesus is the Son, and we are adopted into the family when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, Jesus is our "elder brother" because we are all now sons and daughters. I wish I could dwell here, but I can not, there's too much more to be said.

When Jesus ascended to Heaven, He sent back His Spirit--as promised--to comfort us, teach us, guide us and remind us what The Word said and did.

Three distinctive roles--the Divinity--God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit with the same purpose: The Father created us to have a relationship with Him, the Son restored us after the relationship was broken, and the Holy Spirit sustains us in keeping a right relationship with Him, to give us opportunity to have abundant life, share the gospel with others so all might be saved, and to have access into heaven as our eternal resting place.

Since this understanding as been revealed to many--either by the Holy Spirit--or by reading books written by man who received the revelation, there is no need for me to attempt to further explain.  I suggest, reading the Gospel of John with eyes opened by the Holy Spirit, heart ready to receive what is revealed, and a mind made up to serve Him.  Like them, we should all be--one in purpose! Life with Jesus is about relationship, not religion.

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