Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Gift For All!

"The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on Gentiles" (Acts 10:45).

After Peter preached to the crowd who had gathered about who Jesus is and what He came to do, the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out on all who received the message. But in this verse, we see that those who were "circumcised" (Jews by birth and faith, who were converted and became the first Christians) were astonished for they felt the "gift" was for them only.

There is a great deal that could said about the infilling/indwelling of the Holy Spirit, but it would take more room and time than I have. However, this point must be made. There are no superior groups of people in Christ Jesus. His gift is available for all who believe and receive. And those who operate with the guidance of Holy Spirit are not superior; they are gifted which is very different. All can be gifted if they would just believe and receive.

The point is that none of us should think we are more special in God's sight than any other. If we belong to Him, we are all members of the same family, no matter what denominational banner we carry. If all Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, and anyone else believing in our Creator God, would ever get to this one truth, the world would be a better place in which to live.

Instead of thinking any of us are superior over another group, we should work on developing our relationship with God, understanding what it is He wants us to do that will bring honor and glory to Him, and then receive the gift of Holy Spirit, allowing Him to guide us in all truth.

Are you ready to receive the gift? Humbling yourself and acknowledging the need for guidance other than your own, is the first step. Believe in He who was sent to redeem us and receive the gift of promise--Holy Spirit--who will lead us and guide us in all things and empower us to do all things well, to the glory of God.

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