Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My Mansion!

"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you" (John 14:2).

There is so much that I could say about the entire Gospel of John, but there would not be room enough for me to write it. The most personal account of Jesus we have, from one who was closer to Him than any other; reveals His persona, character, and promises that we can hold onto for all eternity.

But let me move on to what I wanted to say about this verse. This has always inspired to live right before man and God because I do not want to lose my mansion--it already has my name on it! Now, some would debate whether this was meant to be taken literally or figuratively, but it really doesn't matter. What matters is that I know, a place in heaven has been reserved for me and I have determined not to allow anyone to cheat me out of it!

And because I have a very vivid imagination, I see the front door with my platinum nameplate on it--inscribed in calligraphy, the staircase leading to my upper room, and everything glows softly against a pale background of gold and silver. I would tell you the rest, but I pray you can envision your own mansion.

The bottom line for me in this passage of scripture, is that it is a promise that I know has been kept. Because I love people indiscriminately, I pray all I know and those I don't, have come into knowledge as to who He is, what He has done for us, have accepted Jesus into their hearts, are determined to live for Him, and will know that their place in heaven has been reserved, just for them. 

By the way, my mansion is not a particularly large one, but it's sized just right for me. Big mansions need a lot of maintenance and trust me, my Father knows my limitations with housework.

Have a wonderfully blessed day in the Lord!

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