Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Pulling Down Strong Holds in 2014!

“I beg you that when I come I may not have to be as bold as I expect to be toward some people who think that we live by the standards of this world. 2 Corinthians 10:2
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.2 Corinthians 10:3
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 2 Corinthians10:4
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5

Father, in the name of Jesus,
We look to You, the author and finisher of our faith,
To help us to do all that You have said we could and would do in Your Word.

We ask You to look upon the hearts and minds of those in positions of authority and leadership everywhere—heads of state, politicians, law enforcement, military, pastors, church leaders, heads of families and everyone else—expose the true nature of each and every person so everyone can see.

We thank You for breaking the strong holds the enemy has on those who cloak themselves in deceptions and lies; exposing manipulative schemes devised by those who think that no one knows.

We thank You for having eyes that see in every place, beholding the good and evil and for pulling off the cloak of dark works that fester in the minds of those who are so easily fooled and influenced by Satan.

We thank You for allowing the scales of political correctness to fall from our eyes and minds so we see and know Truth for the sake of Truth and in following Him in all things.
We thank You for the remnant—those who refuse to buy into political correctness over Godly righteousness—and for their strength and courage that only You can provide to stand against the deeds of evil and praise You in the midst of the chaos.

We thank You for deliverance—from bitterness and desire to avenge the evil so thoughtlessly committed against us—for You have said that we cannot allow the evil to rule over the good that is within us and we will maintain the good in spite of the evil.

We thank You for speaking to hearts of parents everywhere—who have abandoned, abused, or neglected their children. We ask You to create in them a heart to want to do what is right for their children and for themselves.

We thank You for being God, our creator and for the fact that there is none like and nor will there be. There is no god, created by our hands that we would should worship or give any credence to being anything other than something made by the hands of man.

We look to You—more now than ever before—to break every chain that binds those who inflict evil and influence minds to perpetuate evil against others. We look to You to create situations in which men and women and children everywhere will know that they must develop the mind of Christ and live within the Word so the nations can be saved.

We look to You, O God—to position those who know You in places where they can, with courage—take a stand and become immoveable—in promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We pray Your hand of protection over all who belong to You and for those You know will change their directions and come to You of their own accord. Keep all assigned angels alert and watchful so the enemy will not have opportunity to steal, kill or destroy the hopes of entire nations. Open our eyes that we might see the deceptions planned so we know how to fight against them. Open our hears so we can hear You when You speak—warning us of dangers and telling us what to say. Touch our bodies and heal them of all sickness and disease. Touch our minds cutting away any thoughts of disobedience or evil in the light of day so they cannot manifest themselves in darkness. Speak to the hearts of Your children of all ages and encourage them to know that wisdom is the principle thing and with all their getting—they need to have understanding—academically, economically, and spiritually.

In the new year, O God, we look for You to do a new thing—a new thing so great that will once and for all convince the unbelieving that You are God and You are God alone.

We proclaim every good thing that You have planned for us will be obtained in 2014 by all who obey Your Word and share the love of Jesus Christ with others. Thank You for hearing and answering our prayers. Amen!

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