Tuesday, December 17, 2013

This Is My Prayer!


I ask You to look upon this world and all of its inhabitants and
Touch hearts that need emotional healing,
Touch bodies that need physical healing,
Touch minds that need mental healing, and
Touch finances in such a way that all are blessed to be a blessing.
Speak to the hearts of those who govern others so we may know peace in the land.
Speak to the hearts of those who hate others for no reason so love can overflow.
Speak to mothers and fathers and guide them in being the parents You want them to be.
Speak to children and give them instruction in how to be obedient and respectful to all.
Speak to teachers and show them how to teach.
Speak to students and open their minds to learning and being the best they can.
Speak to leaders in every venue--businesses, government, school, churches, and homes and remind them to conduct themselves as representatives of who You are--seeking to defend the rights of the poor and needy, wherever we find them.
Look upon those who are lost--not having known You and put one of Your children along their path, so they will come to know You.
Look upon all those who serve You and grant them favor everywhere they go with everyone they meet.
Examine each and every one of us--show us where we need to improve in our relationship with You and with others.
Remind us of Your Word through the Holy Spirit who guides and teaches all who will receive. 
Thank You for hearing and answering this prayer.
Pour out a special blessing for all who agree with it and share it with others--loving like Jesus, unconditionally.

In Jesus' name I pray and thank You, Amen!

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