Thursday, January 16, 2014

Battlerama Super Tweens On The Side (excerpt)

“We’re going to have to take them to Botcha-ku,” said Natony. “He’ll know what to do.”

“Yeah, but will he do it to them or to us,” Bodak said. “He’s going to be really po’d about this.”

“Well, he can be ticked off all he wants to be. We have done our part. Now it is up to him to finish it,” Ariak chimed in. Her green eyes bore down on Kiara as if she thought that would make Kiara speak, but it didn’t.

“Okay,” Ramar said, “let’s just move them out.”

“I know you don’t trust us,” she said to the huddled group, “but we really are trying to get you back to your side of reality. We won’t try to touch you again, but you must follow us and do it quickly.”
Anthony was the first to move and he signalled the others to walk behind him in single file. They moved out as one column, looking neither to the left or to the right, their hands down by their side. When they reached the outer boundaries of So-Shun Forest, the trees parted for them to enter and then closed ranks behind them. The six said nothing, they simply kept moving forward.

Suddenly, Ramar stopped. “Wait here,” she said. “This is as far as we go.”
She clapped her hands in a quick, rhythmic way and a building rose from the ground, covered with tree leaves of all sorts of colors. Before the door opened, she stepped back and signalled the others to do the same. When the door opened, Botcha-ku walked out and stared at them.

“Have you accomplished your mission?” he asked Ramar.

“We have obtained powers, but one got away and we were unable to touch their pendants.”

Botcha-ku took a pendant from around his neck, but before he could do anything with it, the flying carpet of leaves appeared overhead. Everyone looked up, but they could not see anyone on it. When Irot, Tori’s alter flew about the flying carpet, she was exposed to the metallic top and fell to the ground. Just about the time, Tori hit the ground, the drink the six had earlier wore off and all of their powers were restored to normal, but the alters had to be defeated.

When Botcha-ku realized the Six had their powers, he ordered the others into a fighting stance and they were about to ignite a fight, but the carpet of leaves turned over and they were all exposed to the metallic surface, and they felt the power drained from them. Now, all they could do was to fight—yam-yam-style.

Maria signalled the Six not to use any of their powers in front of Botcha-ku as long as he was holding onto that pendant. The Six fought the seven like they had never fought before. There were twirling kicks, and high-flying kicks, and jabs and punches, and twists and twirls like they had never seen before.

“Blossom!” Anthony called. The six stood back-to-back, turning clock-wise or counter-clockwise without ever missing a beat. Since the seven alters could not break the line of the six, they were soon defeated; especially when Maria started working on their minds. When Botcha-ku saw what was happening, he attempted to run back into the building, but Shane was faster and blocked his way.

“Either we all go back or none go back,” he threatened, Botcha-ku.

The seven attempted to rise up again, but this time, Derek pulled up a tree and leveled them before they could do anything.  “Now, stay there,” he admonished, as he piled another tree on top of them.

When Botcha-ku attempted to wave his hand, Sutfol and some of the trodles appeared. Sutfol held Botcha-ku’s hands together and the trodles pulled branches from the trees which he used to tied his hands.

“Now,” Sutfol said. “You will kindly allow our friends to go back to their reality or you, too will stay.”

“I will not,” Botcha-ku stammered. “They will not return.”

Battlerama Super Tweens On The Other Side available on or  Enjoy!

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