Sunday, January 5, 2014

For He Has Done Great Things!

"The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy" (Psalm 126:3 NIV).

In the midst of captivity, persecuted and scorned on all sides, mocked for their beliefs and treated as though they were less than human beings, the children of Israel still understood that God had done great things for them and would continue to do so, no matter how bad things looked.

In order to survive the chaotic nonsense of current events--political drudgery and incompetence, uncertain economy, and a nation of hate-filled, back-biting so-called Christians, we must develop the same attitude: God has done great things for us and He will continue to do so.

What great things has He done? He loved us so much He died for us to save us from ourselves. He is not willing to leave us alone so His Spirit abides in the atmosphere so we have a constant comforter, teacher, and guide. His mercy endures for ever and we wake each day with new mercies when we need them. He is our provider-always has  and always will. He is the Light that keeps us out of darkness. He is the Truth so we have no need to hear the liar. He is our healer--however He chooses to get the job done. He gives us the privilege of walking in His unearned favor--achieving more than we deserve because of who He is. 

We are filled with His joy and peace that surpasses all understanding. We will not be moved by those things that we see because our faith is in Him who controls the invisible and the visible alike. The joy of the Lord is our strength! We shall not be moved by the negative reports, but stand--on His Word--the foundation of our faith! Because of His love for us--shed abroad to overflowing in our hearts, we will continue to love others--unconditionally. When He speaks a Word for us to share--we will broadcast it whether it is convenient or not, whether others agree with it or not because we are His ambassadors and we will speak what He speaks!  We will do all things to His glory and not our own!

Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for being who You are in our lives. Help us to become who You desire us to be--as individuals and collectively so the world will know--there is a remnant--who will not bow to political correctness or any other ungodliness that surfaces in the earth realm. Thank You for loving us and filling us with joy. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen!

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