Tuesday, January 7, 2014

No Division In The Body!

"I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought" (I Corinthians 1:10 NIV).

While reading the beginning of this letter that Paul sent to the church at Corinth, I was inspired to address "the division" in the Body of Christ that is revealed through all the "disagreement" about what God says and means.

Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ,

If we all serve the same God--who loved us enough to come down from Glory to hang on a cross for our benefit so that we might one day reign with Him, why is it that we are all not saying what He says?

Have we allowed religiosity and denominational banners to interfere with or dominate our thoughts over what God has said? Are we not able to "rightly divide the Word of Truth" so we are all preaching the same Word of Truth? Do we not all have access to Truth by the same Holy Spirit who imparts all spiritual gifts to all who are willing to receive? Is our belief divided by specific segments of the Bible so that some actually think "that is all" they should believe or that the entire Bible is not meant for all of us to understand? Do we not know how to pray to the Father and receive an answer from Him? Are we so hung-up on glorifying men and women in ministry that we have missed God completely?

No where in the Bible will anyone find that heaven is reserved for those of a specific denomination; especially since the denominations or divisions of the Body were formed by mortal man. No where in the Bible will anyone find that only those who "belong to a mega-church" are going to enter into heaven. No where in the Bible will anyone find that only those who are in places where they are few in number will be the only ones entering into heaven.

No where in the Bible will anyone find that God changes His mind about what He says--from the beginning to the end--about sin or what is sinful.

If we all serve the same God--The God of Heaven, the One who created all things and without Him nothing was created--we would all have the same understanding about who He is and how He wants us live.

My prayer, brothers and sisters-in-Christ is that we will all become one as they are One in unity and in the preaching of the Gospel so all will be saved--not to our glory, but to His. Until we who know The Truth are able to promote The Truth as one Truth, we will be bombarded by the half-truths that are perpetuated by the enemy's influence and many will believe the whole lie (a half-truth is a whole lie).  We who have a relationship with God, must function in the earth realm as God directs, not men (mankind)--who have demonstrated they do not know God.

Promote and assist those who are promoting the Truth of God's Word, knowing this--God knows those who are His and He also knows those who are counterfeits--seeking only what they can get. Let us get on one accord, teaching only those things that we have been taught--through study of the Word and relationship with God.

God give you strength and courage to stand firm in the face of adversity and continue to fill you with His joy and wisdom.

With all the joy and love that abides within me, I declare unity will abide in the Body of Christ-worldwide! I also declare that the Truth will destroy the works of the enemy and we shall be at peace--one with the other.

Love to love you!

God's Humble Servant,
Evangelist Mary M. Hall-Rayford

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