Saturday, February 8, 2014

Ravaging Politicism (excerpt 4)


Parenting children in the 21st Century is certainly more difficult than in past eras. The reason for the difficulty lies within the idiotic positions of authority being held by the idiots. Legislators have changed laws that prohibit a parent from truly parenting a child without the possibility of being hauled into a court system. Parents are afraid of their kids so they do not discipline them, they do not get involved with their schoolwork, they do not take them to church; they simply feed them (some of them) and put up with their nonsense until they are old enough to push out the door, whether they can fend for themselves or not. We should take a look at the animal kingdom to learn parenting. The animals (and I’ve watched some) take much better care of their offspring than humans—and we are supposed to be the “thinking” ones.

Think about this and then get mad, but get over it. We, as a society, have allowed amoral, idiots to determine how we raise our children and then we reward them by voting for the same types of idiots, again, and again. What does that say about most of us? Are we idiots, too? I am not about to respond to that one, but I will say this—“if the shoe fits…”

Legislators, who cannot control their wanton desires to bed other people, should never have any control over what parents do or how they do it as long as children are not being misused or abused. Most rational people understand there is a difference between discipline and abuse. There are only a few out there who cannot make the distinction and it is that few, along with sociologists who think they know best for everyone, but themselves, that brings us to where we are today.  A few people got carried away by beating a child and there was outrage and laws were changed and our society changed. When parents are not allowed to discipline a child the justice system will or the morticians will. Those are the only options led for children who have not been taught respect or self-control.
The prisons are about to burst at the seams with the number of those who cannot control themselves. The lack of self-control is a direct result of parents not being able to discipline their children. When little Johnny gets old enough and big enough to run Mama’s house, he generally does. Of course, there are exceptions. My household was an exception. I come from a cultural environment that believes in keeping a belt handy. When a kid gets too big for a belt to do the job, then whatever comes in handy will usually do the trick (just joking). No child, living in my house where I pay all the bills will ever live there with me and disrespect me or my rules. I do not care what the courts say or CPS or anyone else. My house, my rules and if they cannot abide by my rules, they do not need to live there and will not. I will not participate in the ravaging politicism I see exerted over people who are afraid of the system. Here I am System—Come get me!

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