Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Chosen, Not Rejected!

"I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, ‘You are my servant’; I have chosen you and have not rejected you" (Isaiah 41:9 NIV)

Spoken through the prophet, God reminded the descendants of Abraham they had no need to fear other nations because He had chosen them and not rejected them. That Word is still relevant to the spiritual descendants of Abraham, just as it was to the natural descendants of Abraham.

The Lord our God, has called us--from every corner of the earth, every nationality, every culture, every gender, the spiritual seed of Abraham--into a personal relationship with Him and to promote the glorious Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have no need to fear what the enemy does or plans to do. God is with us and with Him, He is more than enough to squash all the deeds of the enemy.

If we know that our God is with us--everywhere we go--we have to no need to fear--anything or anyone. If we are capable of loving, unconditionally, we cast fear aside and face all we need to do with determination and courage, knowing that we can do all things through Him who loves us. If we know that the enemy will rise up against--especially if we are living the life that God wants us to live--we should also know that he has already been defeated and we have the power to keep him under our feet. 

The enemy that rages against God and all that God has planned has been defeated, but he loves to use people--vulnerable, arrogant, insensitive, those without a conscience to create havoc and chaos and stir up fear in the hearts of those who want to do what is right.  When those he uses are defeated and fade away, he goes after others who have lost sight of their faith in God and have become fearful.

The enemy's influence is seen in all who defy God and choose to live however they want to live. His influence can be seen from the heights of authority of power to the depths of the gutters where those who lay, totally ignorant of the events around them, are only concerned with appeasing flesh. In America--from the White House--to the dope den and all places in between, we see the enemy's influenceWe see how he turns the hearts of politicians from serving the needs of the poor. We see how caving to the pressure of political correctness attempt to change God's Word. We see how maniacal attitudes--swing from end of the spectrum to the other--fight for the lives of unborn children, yet promote access to killing people with guns in the hands of every lunatic. We see--every day the plans of the enemy unfold as he attempts to quickly rid the world of all God has created because he hates all God has created.

But don't fear what the enemy can do because his time is nearing an end. Be more concerned with severing a relationship with God that saves, cleanses, and makes whole. Don't risk losing eternal life with the One who loves for the one who hates.  God is love and Satan is hate--and we recognize the influence of both in all we see people say and do. We have been chosen from the beginning to promote love, so let's do that and reject hate!

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