Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Proving God's Choice!

"So, dear brothers and sisters, work hard to prove that you really are among those God has called and chosen. Do these things, and you will never fall away." (2 Peter 1:10 NLT)

What things shall we do? According to Peter, we should:

Supplement our faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, our moral excellence with knowledge, our knowledge with self-control, our self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with Godliness, our Godliness with brotherly affection and brotherly affection with love for everyone.  (verses 5-8)

When we are able to demonstrate these things, we prove to all who may wonder, or question, God's calling upon our lives and the fact that He has chosen us. In order to perfect our faith and do all He has called us do, we must consistently seek Him and constantly reflect and assess where we're headed and how we're doing in being all that God wants us to be. If we do these things, we won't have time for the enemy to influence our thoughts or what we do.

We must realize that if we allow our thoughts to be influenced by the enemy, our behavior will soon demonstrate what we're thinking. The same is true when our thoughts are focused upon pleasing God--our behavior demonstrates what we're thinking.

This then is why Paul admonishes us to think on those things that edify who God is--purity, integrity, honesty, lovely, true and of a good report--never being ashamed of what we do--then those watching us will know to whom we belong.

If we think on these things (all the goodness of Him)--we will not lie, manipulate, deceive, cheat, or spread negative rumors about anyone or anything.

If we think on these things--we'll make every effort to make sure that our behavior cannot be condemned or make God ashamed of us.

Whenever we allow the enemy to influence our thinking and ultimately what we do, we give him free reign for more people to become unbelievers in the Lord Jesus Christ! This then, is the battle we are currently fighting--the battle of the mind and the enemy's influence that makes us a public spectacle--leaving those watching shaking their heads in wonderment and turning away from anyone and anything remotely related to Christianity.

Faith--increased by hearing and hearing and hearing The Word, developing relationship with God and hearing His voice when He speaks, provides the impetus we need to keep going, gathering knowledge and maintaining the highest moral standards to prove God's choice in His selection of us!

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