Tuesday, October 28, 2014

With The Heart!

"Then Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” And he answered and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” (Acts 8:37 NKJV)

Contrary to what most unbelievers think, understanding God and believing the work on the Cross begins with the heart, not the head because the mind of man cannot begin to conceive the wonders of God.

The word heart is mentioned 830 times in the bible--noting the condition of a person's or a nation's heart--whether good or evil, because it is the heart of man that interest God. He looks upon the heart of man (and woman) to determine their honesty and integrity for many will be guilty of having lying lips. They will say one thing with their mouth, but the lies trip so fluently that they begin to believe the lies they tell. However, the heart--which no man can see--is fully exposed to God and He knows what a person or a nation is truly capable of doing.

Paul tells in his letter to the church in Rome, "For with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" (10:10).

Throughout history, God has looked upon the heart of man and saw the evil and the good and in whatever condition the heart was found, man received his just reward.

Physically--the heart pumps the blood that keeps us alive and whenever there is a problem with the heart, our physical condition is impacted--negatively. Without the body's ability to receive the life-source, blood, things begin to deteriorate and sometimes, they are left irreparable. The body can survive without the brain functioning as it ought, but it cannot survive without a functioning heart to keep the blood flowing.

Spiritually--the spirit of the man--is the center of right and wrong, whether our spirits agree with Holy Spirit or is influenced by demonic spirits--this is control center by which man is judged by God.
In the beginning of my ministry, over 25 years ago, I often told the naysayers that in order to believe God, one must believe with the heart so the mind will accept. For the carnal mind of man cannot accept the spiritual reality of a living God unless led by the Spirit of God who speaks to the heart of man.

Romantically--we are often led by our hearts rather than our heads and sometimes--this is a good thing, but sometimes, our hearts lead us astray--into accepting those into our lives that lead us down the wrong paths. But it is the heart that usually determines our love interest, not our heads. When the heart and head agree--the love relationship lasts forever.

This is why it is more important for Believers to have a relationship with God rather than an affiliation with religion or religious doctrine. When our hearts and head agree--the love relationship lasts forever with Him and we can know, without doubt that He has only our best interests at heart.

Praying for a heart change--towards God--for all people in every nation so we can see peace in the land.

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