Saturday, February 28, 2015

Better Than Life Love!

"Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you." (Psalm 63:3 NIV)

People may have a number of different opinions about David and I've heard many of them. He was a hero, he was murderer, he was adulterer, he was callous, he was... and the remarkable thing about David is that he was probably all the things many say about him, but he was also quick to repent when he was wrong and he had no problem remembering who God is and praising Him, even in the midst of trials.

In this Psalm, David is in the desert and begins it my talking about how his thirst is quenched by God even when there is no water in the land. Jesus reminds us that when we hunger and thirst for righteous we will be satisfied.  But when we are lacking in the natural substances--food and water, are we praising God simply because His love is better than life?

We are so quick to complain about current circumstances rather than praising God for His love that we sometimes lose our focus and become bitter and angry and our faith wanes. David is our example of how we should treat those moments (and we all have them) when things are going exactly the way we want them to go. Instead of complaining, let's sing a song of praise, even if we have to create one--just for our moment. When we sing praises to God, it lifts our heart and the weight of circumstances become lighter. If we would just remember that every trial is only for a season and we can determine--in that season--how we respond to it.

I've often said out loud when trials come that appear to want to take me out, "Devil, I will come through this and even if I don't, I get to go home sooner so I still win!"

If we exercise our lips to lift our hearts, we will experience the love of God that truly is better than life--just surviving it-- and know that God's love will help us get through anything.

Exercise for the lips to lift the heart:

You, O God, always know what I need when I need it,
You, O God, are the creator of my life, know my every thought and deed,
And You, O God, love me enough to life me from the bottom of the pits in which I fall,
In the face of all those who would scorn me and You shower me with favor so they understand,
Just how much You love me and that Your love is better than life,
Because it is You, who makes life worth living!
And I praise You, lifting Your name higher than any trial that comes my way,
You, O God, have already established victory as the end result! We Win in the end!

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