Thursday, February 5, 2015

Convinced Beyond Sight!

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38,39 NIV)

How convinced are we of the truth of God's Word? When I look at the things going in our society today, where it appears that Satan's reign is winning against God, I begin to understand what Paul is saying.

I understand that our faith in God's Word is not based upon what we see, but on what He says--no matter how things look.

It looks like those living in opposition to God's Word are negating the rights of those who live according to The Word.

It looks like there are judges who do not understand their role and are more concerned with pacifying the few over the majority.

It looks like the end of world and Jesus is coming real soon because of wickedness in high places. That's what it looks like.

But no matter how things look, we can be assured that nothing the enemy does will separate us from the love of God. Nothing the enemy does has any power over our faith In Him and His plans will prevail. Even though it looks like Believers are being persecuted beyond belief, when we are in The Will of God, we know beyond anything we see, that we will be victorious. For the Word tells us that even the evil has been allowed so that God will get the glory.

We are not deceived by the inroads Satan is making in the minds of those who refuse to accept God's authority in our lives. It is a choice that all make and we who Believe have made our choice, aligned with God's Word rather than in opposition to it. What can we expect? We can expect God to show up and show out, exposing the enemy openly, who is right now, laughing at all those he has duped into believing there is nothing wrong with making a mockery of God's institution of family and the sacrament of marriage.

Can you hear Satan laughing--the evil, horrific sound emitted with each decision made to defy God?  Can you see him rolling on the floor, barely able to breathe, laughing at those who have succumbed to his evil plan to destroy mankind? How gullible we are to think that Satan cares about anyone other than himself!

God loves us enough to keep giving us chance after chance to get it right. Miss a beat when influenced by Satan, and you may never get another chance to receive God's forgiveness. Yes, I'm convinced beyond anything I know or see--no evil or wickedness in high places--The White House, the court house, or any other place, shall ever separate us from the Love of God! Our God Reigns victoriously and when we endure, standing firm on our faith in Him, we will see the victory!

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