Monday, August 31, 2015

Hold Onto The Word--No Matter How It's Obtained!

"So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter. May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word." (2 Thessalonians 2:15-17 NIV)

In the days of the prophets--those used by God specifically to speak what God wanted them to say, they encouraged the Children of Israel to hold onto God's Word and obey.

Beyond the prophets of old--Jesus and those who followed Him--said the same thing--hold onto the Word and obey.

Near Paul's end, he encouraged all--not just those in Thessalonica, but all who would believe and obey the Word--whether they heard it directly from Timothy or others sent to them or by the letters he wrote to them.

Today, there is no excuse for anyone to claim they have no access to The Word. The Word is being preached on television, preached in churches on just about every corner, taught in bible studies in homes across America, and streamed on the Internet. Bloggers who are faithful Believers are constantly explicating The Word in order to break it down so all who read can and will understand. Bible apps are available for every type of digital technology, anyone could own. And yet--so many either won't believe or obey The Word of God.

For those of us who will continue to proclaim God's Word--we know and understand the consequences of our actions. People may not like us or follow us on social media, but God is pleased and our goal--to please God is obtained.

I'm always amazed at some who follow me on Twitter--especially when my profile clearly identifies me as a Believer and Follower of Jesus Christ. I guess some don't bother to read the profiles or the posts before deciding to follow me and then quickly unfollow me when I post something that contradicts what they believe or rather--reveals the foolishness of unbelief in the Most High God.

The unfollows don't bother me--I simply shake my head and smile. But no matter how many people unfollow me--I will hold fast to The Word and continue to explicate it as God directs me. If something is said that convicts others of sin and wrongdoing, Amen! The Word--if taught correctly--should convict all of sin and encourage us to live to please God, and that includes the one who writes the blog. I know what I've written has often hit me over the head and made me realize just how much growing in grace I have yet to do. And that's okay--The Word--sharper than a two-edged sword--cuts going in and out. What He gives me to say is not just for those who read it, but for the one who writes it. Ouch! I'm not immune to convicting power of The Word.

Now, even though I study The Word and profess it, gladly with the least provocation--I realize just how much I have to learn. I don't think I could live long enough to reach a place where I could legitimately think--I've learned it all. So, even though what I write may sting others, it has found it's mark in me, but I will hold onto The Word, no matter how it's obtained and allow The Word to wash me, thoroughly cleansing and igniting desire to know more.

This day, I am encouraging all to study The Word, hold onto The Word and obey and get ready to receive God's promises, fulfilled in your lifetime.

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