Sunday, August 16, 2015

Saved and Knowledgeable Of The Truth!

"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth." (I Timothy 2:1-4 NIV)

Those of us who are saved--by the blood of The Lamb--and know Truth--as God said it--know what we are to do--in all situations.

We pray--not just for what we as individuals want, but for those in leadership at every level--heads of households, heads of local communities, heads of state governments and national governments, and world leaders--for all in authority--we pray that they will lead with Godly wisdom at all times--considering the needs of all people.

We intercede on behalf of those who do not know Truth that they will be brought into the marvelous light of Truth and know our Risen Savior as we do and will choose to live a life, pleasing to God. When we intercede for others--our focus is not on us, but them and while we're interceding for them--there may be others who are interceding for us and God is glorified in our efforts to consider others.

We give thanks on a daily basis for all God has done for us, all He is doing for us and all He will do for us--not just for things, but knowledge, wisdom, grace, and mercy. We thank Him for healing broken bodies and spirits. We thank Him for peace--in our homes and all over the world. We thank Him for the use of our limbs, for pouring wisdom into the minds of scientists everywhere so they will find cures for all manner of illnesses so all can live--a quality life.

When we discover the benefit of prayer--expecting God's response--believing He will answer--in His own timing--we can navigate life with the assurance that no matter what things look like, God will take of us. In the midst of the storms of life, when it seems like nothing is going right for us, we must remember that we are never alone--and God knows all about our trials and since He has purposed for us a life that will glorify Him, we can rest assured--His plans will come to pass.

No matter what our situations or how long it takes for our loved ones to accept the work on the Cross, if we continue to believe God for their salvation, He will do it and the experience with Him, will put them on the right path--where knowledge of God will become the focus of their attention and they will live a life, abundantly blessed.

Father, in the name of Jesus,

I thank You for us enough to come down to earth, experience life as we know it and not sin, and sacrifice Yourself for us.

I thank You for grace, mercy, and Truth so we might know how to live, pleasing You.

I pray that You will speak to the hearts of every person in leadership of any kind, all over the world--providing them Wisdom from above and direction and instructions so all may live a peaceful life.

I pray that every Believer will continue to seek You in all things, continually desiring more of You--wisdom, grace, and mercy so we may share the knowledge with others.

I pray that every preacher, teacher, evangelist, prophet, pastor--by whatever title they use--will seek You and what it is You desire for them to speak to Your people.

I pray that in every building or place of worship--enclosed or outdoors--that Your Spirit will fall fresh and Your anointing will enable all to do Your Will in all situations.

I stand against the works of the enemy who will influence hatred and violence and living in opposition to You.

I pray all Believers will become so full of You they will stand on Your Word, no matter what the enemy attempts to do to discourage them. I declare boldness and courage shall be their badges of honor wherever they go, exercising wisdom in all things, to Your glory.

All this I believe and praise You for doing, In Jesus' name, I declare it is done.

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