Monday, August 10, 2015

Offering Our Complete Selves to God!

"In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness."(Romans 6:11-13 NIV)

When we are "dead" to sin, we do not allow its stench to be a part of our lives. We know sin has a horrific odor because anything that is dead stinks--and when death occurs of any fleshly thing--the flies gather and other insects that feed off dead things. But with the death of sin--no longer allowing it to reign in our lives--because we are yet alive, physically--there is a sweet fragrance--pleasing to God--that emanates from us and is seen in everything we do. And we offer up ourselves to Him--in total submission to all He has said--the sacrifice of praise for living a Godly life and He rewards us with an eternity with Him.

When our whole beings-- our minds, our mouths, our tongues, our ears, our eyes, our hearts, our hands--our entire bodies--especially those parts that are ignited and stirred by thoughts of sin--are submitted to Him, our focus is Him, not us. When our focus is Him and not us, He gives us the power to resist participating in sin and when we submit to God, we can ignore the enemy and he will flee from us.

How do we submit to God--completely? We repent of any sin in our lives and get into The Word. We read The Word--everything--one segment at a time and then meditate on what we've read. When we understand The Word, we begin applying The Word to our daily lives. We pay attention to what we read--and will not allow our eyes to stray to ungodly images or communications by any means. We will not watch television shows or movies or videos that promote sin, enticing us to return to the evil.

We pay attention to the music we hear and we will not listen to people or music that could return us to the stench we given up--once and for all.

We keep our minds on things above and not those below--without becoming so heavenly minded we are of no earthly good.

We submit our hearts to the circumcision needed to cut away anger, malice, bitterness, jealousy, envy, and hatred and allow God to fill us with His love to overflowing.

We submit our tongues and mouths to saying only those things that please God and will not grieve Holy Spirit with filthy language that only demonstrates who is really reigning in our lives.

We submit and hands and feet to sharing the good things God has given us with others in promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We submit our hormones to Him to be used in the righteous act of sexual activity--marriage with one man and one woman--and we will not allow the masses of public opinion persuade us to do otherwise.

When we offer ourselves completely to God, He will direct our paths and on His paths--the journey leads to greatness and success in all we do.

What are we waiting for? It's time to offer our complete selves to God--so all glory is His!

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