Saturday, August 29, 2015

Rejoice--The Lord is Near!

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:4-7 NIV)

I will rejoice, I will rejoice, I will rejoice!

Why will I be glad?  The Lord is near and His peace is guarding my heart and mind--I have no need to fear or be anxious about anything. I know when I place my concerns before Him, He will address each and everyone and respond to His child because He loves me and cares about everything concerning me!

If this is the attitude most people have in life--there would be fewer problems because we know that He is the solution to every problem. We don't have to know the answer; we just have to know the One who has all the answers.

When we know Him--have a deeply personal relationship with Him and we know His Word--we can relax when trials and challenges rise to defeat us because we know--we have victory in Jesus! Hallelujah! Rejoice! The devil is a defeated foe! Jesus put him under our feet and now it's our job to keep him there. Remind him of his place every time he raises his ugly head--trying to influence our thoughts, leading to destruction.

Rise up O Believers in the most High God and know that He will never leave us or forsake us. Shout with a loud voice the victory is already won!

We must speak The Word over every situation that attempts to deter or distract us from receiving God's best! We have the power in the Holy Ghost to keep the enemy defeated, but we must know what we have in order to use it--wisely, never doubting what God has done.

When we pray, our faith must remain steadfast, even when it doesn't "look" like God is responding. He knows our needs and our hearts desire whether we speak them or not, but He wants us to come to Him, boldly--placing our petitions before Him and expecting Him to act on our behalf.

We have a reason to rejoice in The Lord! We should be glad that He loved us enough to die for us, went into the depths of hell and fought the enemy on his turf and won, rising up from the grave with all power in His hands and then--giving that power to all who choose to believe that He is!

No matter what happens this day or the next, we need to complete this journey called life--knowing that we have a Risen Savior and through Him, we can do all things and with Him, nothing is impossible for us to achieve. We need to act like we Believe His Word on a daily basis and not just be mealy-mouthed people who say one thing, but do another.

I believe every Word of God--know and understand why He inspired men to write it--know and understand why I must love others as He loves me--know and understand why I must obey His Word and because I know and understand His purpose for my life, I can rest assured of my eternity with Him. Not that I am a perfect being, but He is a perfect God and He said, perfect love--loving unconditionally, drives out fear--so I have no need to fear what others may say or think of me.

I have victory in Jesus and I will rejoice in His love for me--and because I love Him, I will live for Him! Hallelujah! I'm declaring every promise fulfilled and completed in this life time, in Jesus' name for every Believer who is willing to stand--never wavering, but always believing--in faith--right now and it is done!

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