Sunday, May 8, 2016

And A Mother Is...

But we were gentle among you, just as a nursing mother cherishes her own children. I Thessalonians 2:7 NKJV
There are so many references in The Word regarding a mother or mothers that I had difficulty choosing one, but I think this one is a stand-out, for more than one reason.
A nursing mother holds her child close and dear,
Desiring only for the child to be healthy and know love,
She cares for herself because everything she eats or drinks,
Flows into the child in her arms--lovingly and the child grows.

As the child gets older, a mother's love never stops,
But regroups her methods to make sure the child knows,
Right from wrong and wrong from right, disciplining, teaching,
Loving no matter what happens, knowing when the time is right,
To allow the child to take steps on his/her own, praying, seeing them grown.

And when they are grown, her love never stops, but spreads deep within
Without, making room for the grands and great-grands, the fruit of the child,
Once nestled in the curve of her arms, now strong enough to hold his/her mother
As they begin their own journey into parenthood.

At every stage and age a mother is whatever we need for that moment,
So we must cherish the time we have with them so memories will never fade,
And we share with our children's children all the sacrifices she made,
For us to live life--loved and challenged to be all we can be--making a difference.

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