Saturday, May 21, 2016

What Holy Spirit Fruit Produces!

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, we must also follow the Spirit. We must not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another. Galatians 5:22-26 (HCSB).
Yesterday, it was pointed out to me that I should not say, "Trump is not a Christian because I don't know his heart" (which is true)  and my response was, "I see no evidence of him being one." For the bible I read (and I read many translations) states, "A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of." Luke 6:45 NIV. Therefore, if I judge (righteously) what I hear someone say, there are some conclusions I can draw from what I hear.

But let's analyze the heart of the man based upon what the fruit we see as Paul outlines in the focus passage of scripture.

Do we see love for all mankind exhibited--without references to any type of hatred for what people do? God loves us unconditionally, even when we mess up and He waits with patience and open arms to get living right for Him. No wall-building with Him simply because we mere mortals don't exercise His wisdom at all times.

Do we see joy exhibited in Trump--the joy of the Lord--not the elation he feels when he thinks he has emasculated others?

Do we see tenants of peace exhibited in Trump--or do we hear the sounds of war--threats against anyone who dares to disagree with him and promises to make others miserable?

Do we see patience exhibited in Trump--watch him gathering all the information he needs before making a wild, random accusation as we just recently saw regarding a plane going down? Do we really want someone sitting in the White House who reacts to situations rather than patiently respond to them?

Do we see kindness exhibited in Trump--towards all people, not just insipid blondes, rich white men, and those who support racist hatred?

Do we see goodness exhibited in Trump--the kind of good that obeys the tax laws and does not try to skirt them with loop holes, bankruptcies and creative accounting to make sure he pays the least amount of taxes possible (changing the value of what he owns)?

Do we see faith exhibited in Trump--in God--not himself--especially since it's difficult, it not impossible to see any Godly qualities in the man?

Do we see gentleness exhibited in Trump--when he has a hair-trigger temper and will lash out at anyone for any reason because he doesn't like it when people speak truth about him?

Do we see self-control exhibited in Trump--when he is quick to use Twitter to react to anything and then he attempts to backpedal everything he says?

Please don't misunderstand my intent here--it is not to bash Trump, but to simply point out the "lack of evidence" I see of him being a follower of Jesus Christ. Now, if other people see this evidence, I would have to wonder if their eyes have been blinded by bias against Hillary or all who are Democrats.

This post was not intended to be a political assertion of any kind, but to show how those of us who know The Lord and have a relationship with Him should analyze a situation before we vote for someone for the highest office in this country. I concede it might be perceived as purely political by those who read it with bias shielding their eyes and hearts.

I have yet to decide who gets my vote and I'm still lingering over the possibility of simply writing in my own name, since neither of the front-running candidates impress me as the right person to run this country. Whatever I'm impressed of The Lord to do, I shall do because I know He will not lead me in the wrong direction as my feelings certainly could.

Let's look to The Word, seeking God for direction and put our personal biases aside so that everyone in this country will benefit from the leading of Holy Spirit.

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