Saturday, September 12, 2015


"You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free.  But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other." (Galatians 5:13-15 NIV)

We are a family of human beings--we are all created uniquely individual, designed to socialize--needful of one another, so why is there so much animosity between us?

Forget for a moment that Paul is specifically speaking to Believers and let's broaden the outlook to all people--from all nations--across the globe. If mankind originated from one man and woman--Adam and Eve, then all human beings are related in one way or another. We all need to eat and breathe to live and we all need clean air and drinkable water to survive all of the toxins created by man's inventiveness. So, if we need one another--wouldn't it make sense for us to be considerate of one another--at all times?

Who is our neighbor that we should love them? Anyone with whom we know as fellow Believers--for starters. But that doesn't mean we cannot love those who do not believe as we do. We can and should love all--even those with whom we disagree. For if we are incapable of loving others; especially those who are not like-minded, we create a void that needs to be filled and if not filled with love, it will be filled with hate. Either we allow Holy Spirit to influence us to love or Satan to influence us to hate. How do we know Satan's influence is running rampant in the earth? Just look at all the hate!

Satan's entire mission is to destroy mankind because God loves us. In order to achieve his goal to destroy, he instigates superiority in one group of people over another--making them feel everyone else is wrong and they're the only ones who are right. He stirs up hatred and division to keep us from socializing and communicating like civilized persons. He feeds our bitterness, frustration and disappointments with negativity and distrust--guiding us to an abyss where he can leave us to drop into the hate-filled void of darkness with no way out. Soon, because people do not recognize Satan's influence in their lives, they kill each other for little or reason, wiping out humanity until all is lost and there is no one left, but the spirit of darkness and doom.

However, there is hope and the hope is our faith and belief that we are "the light set upon a hill" so others can and will know love because of the love we show to all. Where there is love and light--hate and darkness cannot abide. If darkness is dispelled by the light and love of those who love Christ, destruction can be deterred and the enemy will slither away, biding his time until the next round. And there will be a next round by the enemy to destroy, but we can let the love of God overwhelm us and flow onto all we meet and see that where there is love, we defeat destructive forces.

We can change what is happening in our society--one person at a time by dispensing love as freely as the air we breathe. With love, there is no destruction--on construction of loving relationships, determined to sustain humanity until He comes to take us home.

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