Thursday, September 3, 2015

Glorify His Name!

"With this in mind, we constantly pray for you that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ!" (2 Thessalonians 1:11, 12 NIV)

I cannot imagine what was going on in Thessalonica when Paul wrote this second letter to the church there. From what he says, I know the Believers were being persecuted and treated unjustly and he was encouraging them to remain faithful to God. In the first part of this passage of scripture, we see Paul remind them that the evil ones--those who don't know God or obey will be punished and on the day Christ returns, He will be glorified in His Holy people who believed Him because of the testimony of others.

Now, that they have believed, Paul tells them they are constantly praying for them that God may make them worthy (we cannot make ourselves worthy of His calling) and that they will allow His power to bring to pass every good thing they desire and do. Why? Not for them to glorified--lifted up and praised, but so God will be lifted up and praised--and His name--glorified.

Notice that Paul tells them by God's power--He will bring every good desire and deed to fruition--so He'll get the glory. One of the things that irritates me the most is watching award shows where the winners "give God honor" for what they have achieved, but their deeds--whether in a movie or in music--did nothing to glorify God and everything to glorify Satan. Do they think that God is fooled or deceived by them winning an award for their portrayals of godlessness--on screen or in the music? Seriously?

Does God get any glory or honor in obscenities, profanities, pornography, or sexual promiscuity? Is He entertained by, Modern Family, Nashville, Gray's Anatomy, Empire, Scandal, The Haves and Have Nots,  or the other shows where wives are sleeping around with other men and women or children being sexually active? Why must sex be used to glorify the devil when God intended it to be used to glorify Him through the production and continuity of the human race through marriage (His standards)? And the saddest part is that so many Christians are caught up in watching all the filth and the pastors are dismissing services early so their congregations can keep up with the latest godlessness.

It is because of all the godlessness portrayed on television that I have opted out--there is nothing worthwhile except perhaps the weather and traffic reports on local stations. No matter what program a person attempts to watch--they are bombarded with fornication, homosexuality, and all types of perversity.

Reading and writing have become my modes of entertainment--I read to learn and write to inspire, motivate and educate. With all I do, I proclaim the name of Jesus so He is glorified and not me. Not that I can make me worthy of the calling on my life to proclaim the Gospel, but because He strengthens me daily to do all I can to make sure others know just how good He is.

God is not deceived by anything we see that dishonors Him nor is He fooled by anyone proclaiming to be a follower of Jesus Christ, and yet lives like the unsaved world and promotes ungodliness. People who think He is deceived have been deceived, by the great deceiver.
With all that we desire in life and all we do--let's do it to glorify the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and when we do--He will bring all we desire to pass as a testimony to His goodness so others will also believe. 

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