Friday, September 25, 2015

Our Help!

"On my bed I remember You; I think of You through the watches of the night, Because You are my help, I sing in the shadows of Your wings. I cling to You; Your right hand upholds me." (Psalms 63:6-8 NIV)

Whenever we think that we are in a situation or a challenge alone, we must remember we're never alone, for He is always with us and will be with us when all others forsake us.

This is one of those times when I really needed this reminder. All week long, I've been battling Murphy's law--trying to keep my head up, my faith in tact and my temper under control.
Whenever I felt like lashing out, Holy Spirit quickly checked me and reminded me I am not alone. Even though so many things have happened at the last minute to threaten the success of a major fundraiser for which I'm chairing--I can move forward--slightly disheveled and lighter in weight--but still smiling, still expectantly waiting to see what great things The Lord has in store for us.

Throughout life, no matter how carefully we think we plan an event, we must always be ready to respond to the unexpected--the changes that appear to thwart our success, but are actually there to test our mettle--how do we respond to irksome situations over which we have absolutely no control.

In every situation, we learn from experience that we must have a contingency plan (hearing God every step of the way). I'll admit, sometimes we get so caught up in trying to make sure that every thing turns out right that we get distracted and miss pertinent instruction because of the "noise" of distraction.

No matter how many times the enemy has attempted to speak to my mind and stir up doubt--I have moved forward with tenacity--determined to see this event through to the end and no matter what else happens, I will be thankful for the opportunity and grateful to God for seeing me through it--He is my help--when I can count on no one else--He gives me insight and direction and strength to keep going. Through the pain of an afflicted body and through the tears shed when no one is looking, I hold onto His love and know that He'll never let me down. And though I seek success based upon how I define success--the end result will be all that God intends it to be--all to His glory.

Our help--comes from the Lord! It is He who divinely inspires us to keep going. It is He who strengthens tired bodies and minds, and it is He who speaks to the hearts of others and stirs them to want to help. It is He who gives us joy and a song to sing in praise of Him. It is He who provides what we need in spite of naysayers and doubters. O Give Thanks to The Lord--Our Help in times of need.

I'm thanking God for all the people who are hearing Him speak to their hearts and obeying His voice. Our Help--from the generosity of donations of goods, to the volunteers streaming in to help us--are all a direct result of prayer and faith in Him who knows all things and does all things well. Hallelujah!

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