Monday, September 7, 2015

Live Godly Lives!

"Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us." (1 Peter 2:11-12 NIV).

Though there are many unbelievers and naysayers about the foundational beliefs of this country, those of us who know God's Word, know the Constitution of the United States paraphrases the very Word of God with the intent to provide order and justice so all can live in peace and harmony.

And though founding fathers supported the practice of slavery [as used by the sinners to influence how Black Americans think], they did so out of ignorance of the inhumanities that would be employed by other human beings and to support an economy of free labor. I do not support the practice of slavery of any kind, but I do understand that people are enslaved--and not just by other people--but carnal desires--sex, drugs, and greed.

Although America is supposedly the "land of the free" where liberty and justice can be found for all, that does not appear to be the case for Believers--who understand our foundational beginnings and uphold the Word of God as a blueprint for living--establishing order and peace for all. Believers everywhere are now--the "foreigners" in the land even though it was because of a desire to worship God--separate from government control--that led to the establishment of this country.

But we should not think our beliefs are as foreign as those who were responsible for "taking over" the land from the Native (those born here originally) Americans. We changed their names and stripped them of their dignity, forcing them to comply with our traditions because we were afraid of theirs--and restricted where they could live--all so we could make ourselves look better than them.
That same spirit--that "take over mentality" now exists in the mindsets of gay-advocate groups all over the land. They are determined to take-over and vilify every Believer who dares to speak out against sin. It is a plot of the enemy to destroy mankind and they who have been influenced, don't even see it.

So, in the sense that Believers "appear" to be losing ground in the face of enemy's agenda, we are admonished in the Word, to live Godly lives in the presence of the unbelieving, so that our good deeds are seen. In other words, we are to live as God wants us to live--in spite of the turmoil and chaos that has infected the land--from those who have been bitten with the venom of sin to those in the Supreme Court who have allowed the poison to infect their judgment--creating confusion in the masses and we know--God is not the author of confusion so that leaves only one spiritual force who is--Satan.

We know that the chaos, confusion, and turmoil in the earth is caused by Satan because those who are influenced by him, deny the existence of any spiritual forces. If people deny Satan's existence, they can easily convince themselves that God--who is Spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth--doesn't exist either.

But we who know--that spiritual forces do exist in the atmosphere, should be mindful that we are submitted to Holy Spirit and will give the demonic spirits no place in our lives. As ambassadors for Jesus Christ, we must say what He says and represent all that He is in our own conduct. We do not have to resort to name-calling, using profanity, or any other method of ridicule as those who follow Satan do, to live the life that God wants us to live.

Indeed, our response to the negativity shown towards us should simply be to promote the Gospel, share God's love and keep it moving. And while we are promoting the Gospel for the sake of those who have not acknowledged Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, we should also support those who are willing to stand firm in their beliefs and faith in God. There are many more Kim Davises in the world--and they should all have our prayers and support in their endeavor to live Godly lives, no matter how many fiery darts the enemy launches against them. Live to please God and not man and receive God's reward of eternal life with Him.

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