Sunday, November 22, 2015

Blessed Quietness!

The quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than the shouts of a ruler of fools. Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good. Ecclesiastes 9:17,18 NIV
We are told in other places in scripture that it is the fool or the foolish who think for their much speaking someone will be deceived into thinking they are wise. Actually, what we hear in the quietness is more precious than the noise of one who simply loves the hear the sound of their voice.

In the quiet, we can hear Holy Spirit speak and when He speaks to us, we know it is wisdom from on high. This does not mean that we cannot hear Him in the midst of a storm of foolishness, but within our spirits, we can obtain the quietness of His assurance and what a blessing that is!

Often in the midst of debating or disagreement with others, we have to allow our spirits to quiet down and hear what Holy Spirit is saying so we won't dishonor God with our actions or words. I am so glad He loves me enough to cause me to listen and hear and then obey.

For it is not enough to just hear--we hear noise all the time, some we recognize and others we may not. But if we listen--focusing on the voice who is speaking to us from within, we hear and once we hear, we should obey. The blessing that comes with obedience is priceless, but the consequence of ignoring Him, is paid with a price that many cannot pay.  There is an adage that many are familiar with in certain circles and it goes like this: "Don't let your mouth write a check your behind can't cash." In other words, we should exercise caution in speaking about things we cannot back up or handle if they fall apart.

Unfortunately, there are many people--Believers and non-believers--who tend to think that if they talk louder and are more abrasive than those to whom they are speaking, they are making an impression of their greatness. They are making an impression--but it's not of greatness, but foolishness. Any time a person feels the need to raise the decibel level of their voice above normal speaking tones in talking to either one person or a small group of people, they are making a fool of themselves. Getting loud and obnoxious is not a virtue, it is an attribute of insecurity and the more agitated they get, they louder they get and everyone can see them for who they really are.

There is another passage of scripture that says, "even a fool--when he is quiet--is esteemed wise." Abraham Lincoln put that same intent--more bluntly. "It's better to be quiet and thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." The blessing of quietness!

We have probably all known at least one person (maybe many) who has to be the center of attention--no matter what the discussion is--because they love the sound of their voice. And in their deluded minds, they feel they are wiser than any other and will not concede when they are wrong, but will continue to make a fool of themselves with their much talking. 

Jesus warns us about those when praying--who think because of their much talking--the long-winded prayers, they will be heard. Those who pray in this manner have never read--with understanding--that it is not how long we pray or how loud we pray that gets results, but it is --our faith to receive--what we ask for that moves God.

So a word to the wise and to the foolish--there is nothing in the noise but chaos and confusion, but in the quiet--there is a great blessing--the opportunity to hear Holy Spirit and obey.

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