Monday, November 23, 2015

Do We Care?

A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Mark 4:37-40 NIV
Most of us are familiar with this passage of scripture and it has been the subject of many sermons and the inspiration behind a wonderful song, "Peace Be Still."

We marvel at the disciples faith wavering under the stormy conditions when He who created all things was in their midst, but they didn't really understand that--even when he calmed the winds and the water before them. Their greatest concern was the fact that while the storm was raging, He was asleep and they dared to ask Him, if He cared about them. In their carnal minds, they could not understand how He could care about the circumstances and sleep through it.

When we know who we are and the power we have through Holy Spirit, we can be at peace when circumstances or situations attempt to destroy us. We don't get upset, panicky or frantic because we don't care about the situation, but we can remain calm because our faith will sustain us.

This is the attitude we must develop in order to rise above all those things, we "think" we have to control, when in actuality, we have little control over anything, but we know who controls it all, when we allow Him to do His job. It is because He cares that we can exercise our faith to care about others and to encourage and support them to "stay calm" when things happen that are out of their control.

Do we care enough to share our faith to encourage and support those in need? We can offer material things and many of us do, but sometimes the "things" are not what is needed; it is our peace and assurance that God will take care of us. We cannot demonstrate that assurance we have in Him if everything in life--derails us and we lost sight of the fact that He cares.

When we care enough to demonstrate our faith--comforting, supporting, encouraging, and simply being kind, others know we care about them and will be there to ride out the storms with them.

People of faith--don't get bent out of shape easily, they don't panic, and they don't jump before the starting gun is fired, they are calm and focused because they know, He cares. They take the time to rationally consider alternatives before making decisions or taking any action and then their faith in God, always includes communication with Him, seeking direction from Him for all circumstances. 

We say we care about people, but do we care about them only when things are going well or can they see us as a port in the storm--sheltering us from our fears--because we are unwavering in our faith?

Lord, help us to care enough about others to always consider their needs and to demonstrate our faith when theirs may waver under the pressure placed upon them. Give us a heart that desires to serve, rather than be served, and a willingness to obey You in all things. Grant us the ability to rise above circumstances we do not control, and strengthen our faith so we can maintain our course--at peace, knowing You care!

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