Monday, November 2, 2015

The Person Who Prospers!

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on His law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither--whatever they do prospers. (Psalm 1:1-3)
One of the insults hurled at any many televangelists is that they are "fleecing" people and misleading them with their prosperity messages. Well, I cannot speak for all of them, in fact I cannot speak for any of them, but I do know--the message of prosperity and how to accomplish it--is found in The Word and as long as they are preaching and teaching The Word, I find no fault with them.

When I listen to those who do find fault with anyone preaching about prosperity (and everything else in The Word), observation of those who are complaining are those who are barely surviving--in their personal life and in their church life. For it is envy that prompts their animosity towards others who dare to say anything about prosperity. And it is envy that clogs up their ears and blinds their eyes when they do not hear those they preach against--also teach obeying God's Word, totally. They do not hear the message of repentance, love, and obedience for they have closed their minds to hearing the "whole matter" and judge those things they do not understand.

It is not a sin for God's children to prosper and when we are obedient to His Word--it is a promise to us--that we should prosper in everything we do. What does it mean to prosper--when we obey? We end up having more than enough--for our needs and to help others.

Now we know that the wicked also prosper and we only have to look at the events occurring in the world to see how. The drug kings--both legal and illegal--prosper when they sell their wares. The illegal drugs keep people dependent and poor, committing criminal acts to support their habits. The legal pharmacies are just as bad when they overprice medicines needed and end up scamming insurance companies and leaving the elderly making choices between eating and taking their medicine. We see the wicked in high places of authority, making deals with the devil that ultimately create chaos and disaster for others. We see the wicked in families and churches who say one thing, but live a lie--scamming their families, neighbors and friends--trying to make themselves to be something when they are not. But God has a solution for the wicked and their wealth--it is laid up for the righteous--those who obey God no matter what.

But then the Word also says, "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." (3 John 1:3 NKJV). So now, we see that prosperity "in all things" is God's desire for us--in our finances, our health as long as our soul--our will to obey Him in all things--prospers.

When people complain about the prosperity of those who preach and teach the Gospel, I'm led to believe that they did not believe God from the beginning--of the Word. Throughout the bible, we find promises of prosperity (along with repentance and obedience). One of my favorites is Joshua 1:7,8 and then there is the entire list of things that are ours when we obey found in Deuteronomy 28 as well as the curses for disobedience. It's all in there.

The bottom line is this--we should not be "best buds" with those who deliberately live in opposition to God's Word or hang out with them unless it is an effort to be a witness to them about God's goodness. And we most certainly should not take up their habits, but be strong and courageous in obeying God's Word and stand back and see how He causes us to prosper in all we do that honors Him. That is the person who shall prosper in all things--when they are living The Word--for all to see.

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